A thick layer of fat, blubber, beneath the skin is found in:
1. Terrestrial mammals of colder climates
2. Aquatic mammals of colder climates
3. Terrestrial mammals of warmer climates
4. Aquatic mammals of warmer climates

Subtopic:  Adaptations (OLD NCERT) |

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High altitude acclimatization in humans include all the following except:

1. Increased RBC production
2. Increased breathing rate
3. Increased heart rate
4. Increased binding affinity of haemoglobin
Subtopic:  Adaptations (OLD NCERT) |

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For the purpose of ecological studies, the term population is applicable to individuals reproducing:

3.Both 1 and 24.Neither 1 nor 2

Subtopic:  Population Attributes |

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Unlike a population, an individual has:

1. Birth and death 2. Birth rate
3. Death rate 4. Sex ratio

Subtopic:  Population Attributes |

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In a pond, there were 20 lotus plants last year. If through reproduction 4 new lotus plants are added, the number of offspring per lotus per year would be:

1. 0.2 2. 0.4
3. 2.0 4. 4.0
Subtopic:  Population Attributes |

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The given age pyramid represents a:

1. Fast expanding population 2. Slowly expanding population
3. Stable population 4. Declining population
Subtopic:  Age Pyramid |

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The tiger census in our national parks and tiger reserves is often based on:

1. Pug marks 2. Cub count
3. Area allocation 4. Collar position
Subtopic:  Population Attributes |

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If a new habitat is just being colonized, which of the following is most likely to contribute to an increase in the population density?

1. Birth rate 2. Death rate
3. Immigration 4. Emigration
Subtopic:  Population Characters: Density | Population Characters: Natality & Mortality | Population Characters: Age Structure & Migration |

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All the following are correct about the exponential growth of population except:

1. It is represented by the equation dt/dN = rN
2. Resources in the habitat are unlimited
3. The rate of natural increase is represented by “r”
4. In 1981, the ‘r’ value for human population in India was 0.0205
Subtopic:  Population: Exponential Growth Model | Population: Logistic Growth Model |

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When population density is plotted against time, the exponential growth curve is:

1. S shaped 2. Straight line
3. J shaped 4. Hyperbola
Subtopic:  Population: Exponential Growth Model |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.