All the following are correct about the exponential growth of population except:

1. It is represented by the equation dt/dN = rN
2. Resources in the habitat are unlimited
3. The rate of natural increase is represented by “r”
4. In 1981, the ‘r’ value for human population in India was 0.0205

Subtopic:  Population: Exponential Growth Model | Population: Logistic Growth Model |

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When population density is plotted against time, the exponential growth curve is:

1. S shaped 2. Straight line
3. J shaped 4. Hyperbola
Subtopic:  Population: Exponential Growth Model |

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Which of the following is/are true for the given equation?
Nt = Nert 

I. It is the integral form of exponential growth equation
II. The rate of natural increase is represented by “r”
III. “e” is the base of natural logarithm [2.71828]
1. I and II only 2. I and III only
3. II and III only 4. I, II and III
Subtopic:  Population: Exponential Growth Model |

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The Verhulst – Pearl equation represents what type of population growth?


Subtopic:  Population: Logistic Growth Model |

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In the logistic growth equation given below, the carrying capacity is represented by:

1. N 2. r
3. K 4. K – N / K
Subtopic:  Population: Logistic Growth Model |

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Darwinian fitness is represented by:

1. Low r value 2. High r value
3. High K value 4. Low K value
Subtopic:  Life History Variations |

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Which of the following organisms does not breed only once in their life time?

1. Pacific salmon 2. Marsupial mice
3. Birds 4. Bamboo
Subtopic:  Life History Variations |

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As a part of their reproductive strategy, pelagic fishes:

1. Produce a large number of small-sized offspring
2. Produce a small number of small-sized offspring
3. Produce a large number of large-sized offspring
4. Produce a small number of large-sized offspring
Subtopic:  Life History Variations |

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A population interaction that is detrimental to both species would be:

1. Mutualism 2. Competition
3. Predation 4. Amensalism

Subtopic:  Population Interactions: Competition |

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A population interaction where one species is harmed whereas the other is unaffected is called as:

1. Mutualism 2. Competition
3. Predation 4. Amensalism

Subtopic:  Population Interactions: Amensalism |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.