What is the velocity v of a metallic ball of radius r failing in a tank of liquid at the instant when its acceleration is one-half that of a freely falling body? (The densities of metal and of liquid are ρ and σ respectively, and the viscosity of the liquid is h)

1. r2g9η(ρ-2σ)

2. r2g9η(2ρ-σ)

3. r2g9η(ρ-σ)

4. 2r2g9η(ρ-σ)

5. r2g18η(ρ-2σ)

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A tank is filled with water upto a height H. Water is allowed to come out of a hole P in one pf the walls at a depth D below the surface of water. Express the horizontal distance x in terms of H and D

1. x=D(H-D)

2. x=D(H-D)2

3. x=2D(H-D)

4. x=4D(H-D)

PMT - 2004
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A U-tube od uniform cross section as shown in figure is partially filled with a liquid I. Another liquid II which does not mix with liquid I is poured into one side. It is found that the liquid levels of the two sides of the tube are the same, while the level of liquid I has risen by 2cm. If the specific gravity of liquid I is 1.1 the specific gravity of liquid II must be

1. 1.12

2. 1.1

3. 1.05

4. 1.0

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A tube of length h (which is wide enough so that surface tension effects can be neglected) is filled with air and closed at one end is lowered into a tank of mercury to a depth h as shown; so that mercury rises a distance x into the tube. If the mercury barometer also reads 'h', then

1. h (h-x)=h2

2. (2h-x) (h-x)=h2

3. (2h-x) (h+x)=h2

4. (2h) (h-x)=h2

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A U-tube of base length I filled with same volume of two liquids of densities ρ and 2ρ is moving with an acceleration a on the horizontal plane. If the height difference between the two surfaces fopen to atmosphere) becomes zero, then height h is given by

1. alg

2. 3al2g

3. 2al3g

4. al2g


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A faulty barometer contains some air which occupies 9.5 cc. If indicates 740 mm when a correct barometer indicates 750 mm, the volume the air would occupy under standard pressure

1. 0.0.95 cc

2. 0.125 cc

3. 1.25 cc

4. 12.5 cc

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A hole is made at the bottom of the tank filled with water (density= 1000 kg/m3). If the total pressure at the botton of the tand is three atmoshphere (1 atmosphere = 105 N/m2), then the velocity of efflux is

1. 400 m/s

2. 200 m/s

3. 6400 m/s

4. 500 m/s

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Kerosene oil rises up in the wick of a lantern because of

1. diffusion of the oil through the wick

2. surface tension

3. buoyant force of air

4. the gravitational pull of the wick

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Three liquids of densioties d, 2d and 3d are mixed in equal proportions of weights. The relatice density of the mixture is

1. 117d

2. 1811d

3. 139d

4.  2318d

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 A capillary tube is dipped in a liquid. Let pressure at point A, B and C be pA' pB' pC respectively then


1. pA=pB=pC

2. pA=pB<pC

3. pA=pC<pB

4. pA=pC>pB

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