The concept of chemical evolution is based on:

1. Possible origin of life by a combination of chemicals under suitable environmental conditions.
2. Crystallization of chemicals
3. Interaction of water, air, and clay under intense heat
4. Effect of solar radiation on chemicals 

Subtopic:  Examples of Chemical Evolution |

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Thorn of Bougainvillea and tendril of Cucurbita are examples of:

1. Retrogressive evolution 2. Analogous organs
3. Homologous organs 4. Vestigial organs 
Subtopic:  Definition & Types of Evolution |

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Which one of the following pairs of items correctly belongs to the category of organs mentioned against it?  
1. Wings of honey bee and wings of crow - Homologous organs
2. Thorn of Bougainvillea and tendrils of Cucurbita - Analogous organs
3. Nictitating membrane and blind spot in human eye - Vestigial organs
4. Nephridia of earthworm and Malpighian tubules of cockroach - Excretory organs

Subtopic:  Definition & Types of Evolution |

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Which one of the following is incorrect about the characteristics of protobionts (coacervates and microspheres) as envisaged in the abiogenic origin of life? 
1. They could maintain an internal environment
2. They were able to reproduce
3. They could separate combinations of molecules from the surroundings.
4. They were partially isolated from the surroundings. 

Subtopic:  Definition & Types of Evolution |

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Which one of the following scientists' names is correctly matched with the theory put forth by him?  
1. Mendel - Theory of Pangenesis
2. Weismann - Theory of continuity of germplasm
3. Pasteur - Inheritance of acquired characters
4. De Vries - Natural selection 

Subtopic:  Germ Plasm Theory |

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What is true about the isolated small tribal populations? 

1.  There is no change in population size as they have a large gene pool.
2.  There is a decline in population as boys marry girls only from their own tribe.
3.  Hereditary diseases like color blindness do not spread in the isolated population.
4.  Wrestlers who develop strong body muscles in their lifetime pass this character on to their progeny.

Subtopic:  Concept of Speciation |

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In the case of peppered moth (Biston betularia), the black-colored form became dominant over the light-colored form in England during the industrial revolution. This is an example of:

1.  Inheritance of darker color character acquired due to the darker environment.
2.  Natural selection whereby the darker forms were selected.
3.  Appearance of the dark-colored individuals due to very poor sunlight
4.  Protective mimicry

Subtopic:  Concept of Organic Evolution: Evidence |

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Sweet potato is homologous to 
1. Turnip
2. Potato
3. Colocasia
4. Ginger 

Subtopic:  Definition & Types of Evolution |

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Which one of the following options gives one correct example of convergent evolution and divergent evolution? 
Convergent evolution  Divergent evolution
1. Bones of forelimbs of vertebrates Wings of butterflies and birds
2. Thorn of Bougainvillea and tendrils of Cucurbita Eye of Octopus and mammals
3. Eye of Octopus and mammals  Bones of forelimbs of vertebrates
4. Thorns of Bougainvillea and tendrils of Cucurbita Wings of butterflies and birds
Subtopic:  Concept of Organic Evolution: Evidence |

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Evolution of different species in a given area starting from a point and spreading to other geographical areas is known as 
1. Migration
2. Divergent evolution
3. Adaptive radiation
4. Natural selection

Subtopic:  Concept of Organic Evolution: Evidence |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.