Earliest vascular plants on land acquired water and mineral nutrients most likely by:
1. absorption by trichomes.
2. diffusion through stomata.
3. the help of symbiotic mycorrhizae.
4. osmosis through the root hairs.

Subtopic:  Population Interactions: Commensalism, Protocooperation & Mutualism |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

1. are aerial vines common in tropical regions
2. are parasitic and use haustoria
3. live in oligotrophic soil and digest insects to obtain nitrogen
4. grow on other plants but do not obtain nutrients from their hosts

Subtopic:  Population Interactions: Commensalism, Protocooperation & Mutualism |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

What is true for individuals of same species?
1. Live in same niche
2. Live in same habitat
3. Interbreeding
4. Live in different habitat

Subtopic:  Population Dynamic |
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Please attempt this question first.


Which type of association is found between entomophilous flower and pollinating agent?

1.  Mutualism 2.  Commensalism
3.  Cooperation 4.  Co-evolution
Subtopic:  Population Interactions: Commensalism, Protocooperation & Mutualism |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

Mycorrhiza is an example of:

1.Symbiotic relationship2.ectoparasitism

Subtopic:  Population Interactions: Commensalism, Protocooperation & Mutualism |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

Two opposite forces operate in the growth and development of every population. One of them relates to the ability to reproduce at a given rate. The force opposing it is called.
1. Morbidity.
2. Fecundity.
3. Biotic potential.
4. Environmental resistance.

Subtopic:  Population: Logistic Growth Model |
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The maximum growth rate occurs in
1. Senescent phase.
2. Lag phase.
3. Exponential phase.
4. Stationary phase.

Subtopic:  Population: Exponential Growth Model |
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Please attempt this question first.

Certain characteristic demographic features of developing countries are.
1. High fertility, high density, rapidly rising mortality rate and a very young age distribution.
2. High infant mortality, low fertility, uneven population growth and a very young age distribution.
3. High mortality, high density, uneven population growth and a very old age distribution.
4. High fertility, low or rapidly falling mortality rate, rapid population growth and a very young age distribution.

Subtopic:  Age Pyramid |

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A terrestrial animal must be able to
1. Conserve water.
2. Active pump salts out through the skin.
3. Excrete large amounts of salts in urine.
4. Excrete large amounts of water in urine.

Subtopic:  Introduction to the Chapter |

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In which one of the following habitats does the diurnal temperature of soil surface vary most?
1. Forest
2. Desert
3. Grassland
4. Shrub land

Subtopic:  Introduction to Ecology |

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