Consider the following statements regarding human alimentary canal:
I. Human dentition is thecodont, homodont and diphyodont
II. The tongue is freely movable muscular organ attached to the roof of the oral cavity by the frenulum
III. The opening of the stomach into the duodenum is guarded by the cardiac sphincter
The incorrect statements include:

1. None 2. Only I
3. I and III only 4. I, II and III

Subtopic:  Alimentary Canal: Oral Cavity & Teeth |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

The structural and functional units of liver are:
1. The four hepatic lobes containing the hepatic sinusoids lined by kupffer cells
2. The hepatic lobules containing hepatic cells arranged in the form of cords
3. The porta hepatis which carries the common bile duct and common hepatic artery, and the opening for the portal vein.
4. The right and the left lobes separated by the falciform ligament

Subtopic:  Accessory Digestive Glands |

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Bile pigments help in:
1. Emulsification of fats
2. Absorption of the end products of fat digestion
3. Hydrolysis of fats
4. They do not play any role in fat metabolism or digestion

Subtopic:  Bile |

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Visceral mesothelium is:
1. a membrane composed of simple cuboidal epithelium
2. the layer that covers the body walls
3. the epithelium component of serosa
4. innermost lining of the blood vessels derived from embryonic mesoderm

Subtopic:  Histology of Gut |

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When secreted due to a fatty meal, the hormone cholecystokinin promotes all of the following except:
1. contraction of gall bladder
2. increased production of hepatic bile
3. contraction of sphincter of Oddi
4. stimulation of pancreas

Subtopic:  Pancreatic Secretions |

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The region of the stomach into which the espophagus opens is called as:
1. Cardiac
2. Fundic
3. Corpus
4. Pyloric

Subtopic:  Histology of Gut |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.


Brunner’s glands are located in the duodenal:
1. Mucosa
2. Sub mucosa
3. Muscularis
4. Serosa

Subtopic:  Histology of Gut |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

The oral cavity initiates all the following except:
1. Chemical process of digestion
2. Mechanical process of digestion
3. Deglutition
4. Peristalsis

Subtopic:  Alimentary Canal: Oral Cavity & Teeth |

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Pancreatic lipase can be activated by:
1. Bile
2. Enterokinase
3. Secretin
4. Enterogastrone

Subtopic:  Bile |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.


Which of the following is not a function of adult liver?
1. Glycogen storage
2. Detoxification
3. Erythropoiesis
4. Synthesis of clotting proteins

Subtopic:  Accessory Digestive Glands |

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