Which one of the following pairs of the kind of cells and their secretion is correctly matched?
1. Oxyntic cells --- a secretion with pH between 2.0 and 3.0
2. Alpha cells of islets of Langerhans ---- secretion that decreases blood sugar level
3. Kupffer cells --- a digestive enzyme that hydrolyses nucleic acids
4. Sebaceous glands --- a secretion that evaporates for cooling

Subtopic:  Gastric Secretions |

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Match each item in Column I with one item in Column II and chose your answer from the codes given below:
Column I             Column II
I. Gastrin           1. Gall bladder contraction
II. CCK              2. Increased HCl secretion
III. Secretin       3. Bicarbonate secretion from pancreas
IV. GIP              4. Decreased stomach motility

A. 1 2 3 4
B. 2 1 4 3
C. 2 1 3 4
D. 1 2 4 3

Subtopic:  Pancreatic Secretions | Intestinal Secretions |

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Match each item in Column I with one item in Column II and chose your answer from the codes given below:
Column I                        Column II
(vitamin)                        (functon)
I. Tocopherol                  1. Inhibits oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids

II. Ascorbic acid              2. Synthesis of collagen

III. Cyanocobalamin        3. Nucleoprotein synthesis

IV. Niacin                        4. Hydrogen transport
      I   II   III   IV
A.   1   2    3    4
B.   2   1    4    3 
C.   2   1    3    4
D.   1   2    4    3

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Match each item in Column I with one item in Column II and chose your answer from the codes given below:
Column I                  Column II
(nutrient)                 (deficiency)
I. Protein                  A. Marasmus
II. Protein & energy   B. Kwashiorkor
III. Iodine                 C. Mental retardation
IV. Iron                     D. Anemia
     I    II    III    IV
1.  A    B     C     D
2.  B    A     D     C
3.  B    A     C     D 
4.  A    B     D     C

Subtopic:  Protein Energy Malnutrition |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

Consider the following statements:
I. The common bile duct is guarded by the sphincter of Oddi.
II. Lower esophageal sphincter is also called as the cardiac sphincter.
III. The external anal sphincter is under our voluntary control.
Which of the above statements are true?
1. I and II only         2. I and III only
3. II and III only       4. I, II, and III

Subtopic:  Histology of Gut | Accessory Digestive Glands |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

The primary dentition in humans differs from permanent dentition in not having one of the following type of teeth
1. Canine
2. Premolars
3. Molars
4. Incisors

Subtopic:  Alimentary Canal: Oral Cavity & Teeth |

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Gastric juice of infants contains?
1. maltase, pepsinogen, rennin
2. nuclease, pepsinogen, lipase
3. pepsinogen, lipase, rennin
4. amylase, rennin, pepsinogen

Subtopic:  Gastric Secretions |

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Select the correct match of the digested products in humans given in column I with their absorption site and mechanism in column II.

Column I Column II
1. Glycines and Glucose Small intestine and active absorption
2. Fructose and Na+ Small intestine and passive absorption
3. Glycerol and Fatty acids Duodenum and move as chylomicrons
4. Cholesterol and Maltose Large intestine and active absorption
Subtopic:  Absorption: Part 1 | Absorption: Part 2 | Absorption |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

Cattle fed with spoilt hay of sweet clover which contains dicumarol
1. are healthier due to a good diet
2. catch infections easily
3. may suffer vitamin K deficiency and prolonged bleeding
4. may suffer from beri beri due to deficiency of B vitamins

Subtopic:  Absorption: General Adaptations |

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Sphincter of Oddi will guard the opening of:
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D

Subtopic:  Accessory Digestive Glands |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.