Which of the following is connected to the floor of the oral cavity by the frenulum?

1. oesophagus 2. muscles of mastication
3. lips 4. tongue

Subtopic:  Alimentary Canal: Oral Cavity & Teeth |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

The number of permanent and deciduous teeth in humans are respectively:
1. 36,36
2. 32,32
3. 32,20
4. 20,32

Subtopic:  Alimentary Canal: Oral Cavity & Teeth |

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The part in the center of a tooth made up of living connective tissue and having blood vessels and nerves is called:
1. enamel
2. pulp
3. cementum
4. dentin

Subtopic:  Alimentary Canal: Oral Cavity & Teeth |

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How does the muscularis layer of stomach differ from that in the other parts of the gut?

1. it has one layer of smooth muscle
2. it has two layers of smooth muscle
3. it has three layers of smooth muscle
4. it has four layers of smooth muscle

Subtopic:  Histology of Gut |

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The oxyntic or Parietal cells of the gastric mucosa secrete:
1. prorennin
2. pepsinogen
3. HCl and intrinsic factor
4. gastric lipase

Subtopic:  Gastric Secretions |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

Arrange the following sphincters in gastrointestinal tract in order of their occurrence from oral cavity to anus:
a. external anal sphincter
b. ileocecal sphincter
c. lower esophageal sphincter
d. pyloric sphincter

1. a, c, b, d 2. b, c, d, a
3. b, a, c, d 4. c, d, b, a
Subtopic:  Peristalsis: Gland in Alimentary Canal |

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Identify the correct statement regarding Saliva:
1. Its secretion is increased by sympathetic nervous system.
2. It contains amylase, which digests 100 % starch.
3. It contains bactericidal lysozyme.
4. Its secretion is increased during sleep.

Subtopic:  Digestive Secretions: Saliva |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

What stimulates secretion of the hormone, gastrin, by the gastric mucosa?
1. duodenal pH greater than 3.
2. secretin.
3. cholecystokinin.
4. gastric inhibitory polypeptide


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Arrange the following events in chronological sequence [first to last]:
1. protein-coated triacylglycerols enter lacteals
2. triacylglycerol coated with protein
3. fatty acids and glycerol packaged into micelles
4. bile salts emulsify fats
5. lipase digests fat
1. 1,2,4,5,3
2. 2,5,4,3,1
3. 3,5,4,1,2
4. 4,5,3,2,1

Subtopic:  Absorption |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.


The layer in the wall of the alimentary canal that exhibits maximum variations is the:
1. Serosa
2. Muscularis
3. Mucosa
4. Submucosa

Subtopic:  Histology of Gut |

To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.
