Which of the following match is correct

Hormone  Effect
1. Oxytocin            Milk ejection hormone
2. Glucagon            Decreases blood sugar level
3. Adrenaline        Decreases heart rate
4. Thyroxine          Decreases BMR

Subtopic:  Prolactin & Posterior Pituitary |

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Select the correct statement about hormones and their actions.

1. Parathyroid hormone increases K+ absorption of the body.
2. Insulin and glucagon help to maintain blood sugar levels.
3. Old aged people have weak immunity due to increased activity of thymus.
4. Osteoporosis in women occurs due to increased levels of oestrogens.
Subtopic:  Pancreas |

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Which one of the following pairs is the matching pair of the part and the hormone it secretes?
1. Anterior pituitary - Thyroxine
2. Alpha cells of pancreas - Glucagon
3. Thyroid - Epinephrine
4. Stomach epithelium - Secretin

Subtopic:  Pancreas |

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In a child of 15 years age, plasma calcium level is diagnosed below optimum level. Which organ is malfunctioning?

1. Thyroid gland 2. Liver
3. Parathyroid 4. Posterior lobe of pituitary
Subtopic:  Parathyroid |

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Genetically engineered bovine (bST), sometimes called rbST (recombinant bovine somatotropin) or rbGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone) are used in
1. therapeutic drugs
2. agriculture
3. dairy industry
4. DNA fingerprinting

Subtopic:  Human Growth Hormone |

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When kidney of a person is damaged, he/she invariably suffers from anaemia because
1. RBCs pass through the glomerulus
2. Sufficient erythropoietin is not produced
3. haemoglobin is not synthesized sufficiently
4. Iron and vitamin B-12 are not able to bind to haemoglobin

Subtopic:  Hormones of Heart, Kidney and Gastrointestinal Tract |

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Consider the following statements:

I: Trypsinogen is activated by enterokinase.
II: Goblet cells secrete mucus.
III: Bile pigments help in emulsification of fats.

Which of the above statements are true?
1. I and II only             
2. I and III only
3. II and III only           
4. I, II, and III

Subtopic:  Misc. Hormones |

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The hormone prolactin is secreted by:
1. hypothalamus
2. anterior pituitary
3. posterior pituitary
4. mammary glands

Subtopic:  Prolactin & Posterior Pituitary |

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Both cortisol and adrenaline are secreted in response to stress. Which of the following statements is true for both of these hormones?

1. They are secreted within seconds of the onset of the stress.
2. They are secreted by adrenal cortex.
3. Their secretion is stimulated by adrenocorticotropin.
4. They act to increase blood glucose.

Subtopic:  Adrenal Cortex: Cortisol |

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ACTH controls the secretion of ........................

1. Cortisol 2. Aldosterone
3. Epinephrine 4. Testosterone
Subtopic:  Adrenal Cortex: Cortisol |

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