The most likely cause of the Type I [juvenile-onset IDDM] is:
1. The receptors on the target cells become no longer responsive to insulin.
2. Immune cells attack the pancreas that can then no longer produce insulin.
3. The individual consumes too much sugar, which causes an overload in the bloodstream.
4. Obesity seems to be the most common cause of IDDM.

Subtopic:  Pancreas: I |

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The body's circadian rhythm is primarily regulated by:
1. thymus
2. pineal
3. thyroid
4. pituitary

Subtopic:  Pineal Gland |

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The human body is under neuroendocrine control. The endocrine regulation is not characterized by:
1. hormones reach targets through the blood
2. effects are slow and cyclic
3. rapid acting effects
4. effects caused by chemicals

Subtopic:  Intro to Hormones & Endocrine Glands: I |

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Some hormones act through a second messenger. In such a case, the first messenger would be:
1. Diacyl glycerol
2. hormone
3. source cell
4. receptor

Subtopic:  Mechanism of Hormone Action |

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Which of the following is not a hormone?
1. paracrine regulators
3. pheromones
4. steroids

Subtopic:  Hormones: General Consideration |

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Hydrophilic hormones:

1. activate intracellular receptors
2. pass through the plasma membrane
3. bind to membrane receptors to initiate signal transduction pathways
4. are usually fat-soluble

Subtopic:  Hormones: General Consideration |

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A paracrine regulator is the one that:
1. is alternatively named a hormone
2. travels through the blood
3. is secreted by the parathyroid gland
4. acts within an organ as a local regulator

Subtopic:  Intro to Hormones & Endocrine Glands: I |

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Hydrophilic hormones are not characterized by the fact that:
1. They can act through intermediary G proteins.
2. A second messenger (e.g. cAMP) is often involved.
3. They can work by activation of transmembrane receptor proteins.
4. They have a long duration of action (e.g. days).

Subtopic:  Mechanism of Hormone Action |

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The proximate cause of a goiter would be:
1. reduced levels of TRH
2. a non-functional thyroid gland
3. elevated levels of thyroid stimulating hormone
4. depressed levels of thyroid stimulating hormone

Subtopic:  Thyroid Gland Part I |

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A decrease in blood glucose is most likely to result in:
1. decreased insulin and glucagon production.
2. increased glucagon production.
3. glycogen being released into the blood.
4. increased glucagon production followed by glucose release from the liver.

Subtopic:  Pancreas: I |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.