A hot and a cold body are kept in vacuum separated from each other. Which of the following cause decrease in temperature of the hot body ?
(1) Radiation
(2) Convection
(3) Conduction
(4) Temperature remains unchanged
For a perfectly black body, its absorptive power is
(1) 1
(2) 0.5
(3) 0
(4) Infinity
Certain substance emits only the wavelengths and when it is at a high temperature. When this substance is at a colder temperature, it will absorb only the following wavelengths ?
(a) (b)
(c) and (d) and
As compared to the person with white skin, the person with black skin will experience
(1) Less heat and more cold
(2) More heat and more cold
(3) More heat and less cold
(4) Less heat and less cold
Relation between emissivity e and absorptive power a is (for black body)
(1) e = a
Which of the following statements is wrong ?
(1) Rough surfaces are better radiators than smooth surface
(2) Highly polished mirror like surfaces are very good radiators
(3) Black surfaces are better absorbers than white ones
(4) Black surfaces are better radiators than white
Half part of ice block is covered with black cloth and rest half is covered with white cloth and then it is kept in sunlight. After some time clothes are removed to see the melted ice. Which of the following statements is correct ?
(1) Ice covered with white cloth will melt more
(2) Ice covered with black cloth will melt more
(3) Equal ice will melt under both clothes
(4) It will depend on the temperature of surroundings of ice
If between wavelength and , and be the emissive and absorptive powers of a body and be the emissive power of a perfectly black body, then according to Kirchoff's law, which is true ?
(1) = =
(2) =
(3) =
(4) = constant
When p calories of heat is given to a body, it absorbs q calories; then the absorbtion power of body will be ?
(1) p/q
(2) q/p
There is a rough black spot on a polished metallic plate. It is heated upto 1400 K approximately and then at once taken in a dark room. Which of the following statements is true ?
(1) In comparison with the plate, the spot will shine more
(2) In camparison with the plate, the spot will appear more black
(3) The spot and the plate will be equally bright
(4) The plate and the black spot can not be seen in the dark room