The energy that should be added to an electron to reduce its de Broglie wavelength from one nm to 0.5 nm is
(1) Four times the initial energy
(2) Equal to the initial energy
(3) Twice the initial energy
(4) Thrice the initial energy
The wavelength of the matter wave is independent of
(1) Mass
(2) Velocity
(3) Momentum
(4) Charge
The energy of a photon of wavelength λ is given by
1. hλ
2. chλ
3. λ/hc
4. hc/λ
The rest mass of the photon is
(1) 0
(3) Between 0 and ∞
(4) Equal to that of an electron
The momentum of a photon of energy hv will be
(1) hv
(2) hv/c
(3) hvc
(4) h/v
If the momentum of a photon is p, then its frequency is
(1) phc
(2) pch
(3) mhc
(4) mch
where m is the rest mass of the photon
An AIR station is broadcasting the waves of wavelength 300 metres. If the radiating power of the transmitter is 10 kW, then the number of photons radiated per second is
(1) 1.5×1029
(2) 1.5×1031
(3) 1.5×1033
(4) 1.5×1035
The energy of a photon is E = hv and the momentum of photon p=hλ, then the velocity of photon will be
(1) E/p
(2) Ep
(3) (EP)2
(4) 3×108 m/s
The approximate wavelength of a photon of energy 2.48 eV is
(1) 500 Å
(2) 5000 Å
(3) 2000 Å
(4) 1000 Å
1. | 1.5×10−23 kg-m/s |
2. | 6.6×10−24 kg-m/s |
3. | 6.6×10−44 kg-m/s |
4. | 2.2×10−52 kg-m/s |