Number | Name | ||
(a) | VIII | (i) | Pathetic |
(b) | XI | (ii) | Auditory |
(c) | IV | (iii) | Vagus |
(d) | X | (iv) | Spinal accessary |
1. | VI | - | Abducens | - | sensory |
2. | XI | - | Spinal accessory | - | Mixed |
3. | VIII | - | Vestibulo cochlear | - | Sensory |
4. | II | - | Occulomotor | - | motor |
Column-I | Column-II | ||
(a) | Cerebrum | (i) | Equilibrium and balancing orientation |
(b) | Cerebellum | (ii) | Memory and intelligence |
(c) | Medulla oblongata | (iii) | Homeostasis and secretion of Neurohormones |
(d) | Hypothalamus | (iv) | Heartbeat, Peristalsis |
Column-I | Column-II | ||
(a) | Frontal lobe | (i) | Somesthatic sensation of pain, pressure and temperature |
(b) | Parietal lobe | (ii) | Sense of vision |
(c) | Occipital lobe | (iii) | Hearing and smell |
(d) | Temporal lobe | (iv) | Will power and memory |
Column-I | Column-II | ||
(a) | Amnesia | (i) | Day dreaming |
(b) | Bulimia | (ii) | Loss of memory |
(c) | Anorexia nervosa | (iii) | Extreme over indulgence in food |
(d) | Hallucination | (iv) | Emotional aversion of food |
Column I | Column II | ||
i. | Oligodendrocytes | a. | Derived from monocytes and acts as macrophages |
ii. | Astrocytes | b. | Production of CSF |
iii. | Ependymal cells | c. | Mainly form the myelin sheath around axon |
iv. | Microglia | d. | Most abundant glial cells of CNS |
Column I | Column I | Column III | ||
X. | i. | Dendrites | a. | Gaps between two adjacent myelin sheath |
Y. | ii. | Axon | b. | Transmit impulses towards the cell body |
Z. | iii. | Synaptic knob | c. | Contains neuro transmitters |
d. | Transmit nerve impulses away from the cell body to a synapse |
Column I | Column II | ||
i. | Cervical nerves | a. | 5 pairs |
ii. | Thoracic nerves | b. | 1 pair |
iii. | Lumbar nerves | c. | 12 pairs |
iv. | Coccygeal nerves | d. | 8 pairs |
Column-I | Column-II | ||
(a) | Cerebral hemispheres | (i) | Habenculor commissure |
(b) | Two lobes of thyroid glands | (ii) | Corpus callosum |
(c) | Cerebellar hemisphere | (iii) | Isthmus |
(d) | Thalami | (iv) | Vermis |
Column I | Column II | ||
1. | Trigeminal | a. | Movement of eye |
2. | Abducens | b. | Sensation of jaw |
3. | Vagus | c. | Movement of neck |
4. | Spinal accessory | d. | Gastrointestinal movements |