Sexually interbreeding or potentially interbreeding group of individuals which is reproductively isolated from other species is
1. Biological species
2. Morphospecies
3. Evolutionary species
4. Sibling species
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Subtopic: Concept of Speciation |
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Which of the following is not true?
1. About 15 mya, primates called Dryopithecus and Ramapithecus were existing
2. Ramapithecus was more ape like
3. Homo erectus had a large brain around 900 cm3
4. The brain capacities were between 650 to 800 cm3 of Homo habilis
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Subtopic: Evolution of Homo Sapiens | Evolution Prior to Ape Man |
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Modern Homo sapiens arose
1. Near east and central Asia between 1,00,000 to 40,000 years back
2. During ice age between 75,000 to 10,000 years ago
3. About 10,000 years back
4. About 18,000 years ago
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Subtopic: Evolution of Homo Sapiens |
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The most apparent change during the evolutionary history of Homo sapiens is traced in
1. Loss of body hair
2. Walking upright
3. Shortening of the jaws
4. Remarkable increase in the brain size
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Subtopic: Introduction to Human Evolution | Evolution of Homo Sapiens |
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