Variety of beaks of finches that Darwin found in Galapagos Islands, is an example of
1. Adaptive radiation
2. Convergent evolution
3. Adaptive convergence
4. Analogous organs
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Fitness, according to Darwin refers ultimately and only to
1. Dominance over others
2. Ability to defend
3. Strategy for obtaining food
4. Number of offsprings
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Subtopic: Additional Theories of Darwin |
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Select the correct statement:
1. Darwinian variations are small and directionless
2. Mutations are random and directional
3. Fitness is the end result of the ability to adapt and get selected by nature
4. All mammals except whales and camels have seven cervical vertebrae
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Subtopic: Concept of Organic Evolution: Evidence |
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Neo-Darwinism believes that new species develop through
1. Mutations with natural selection
2. Continuous variations with natural selection
3. Hybridisation
4. Mutations
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Subtopic: Modern Theory of Evolution |
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Which is not a concept of Lamarckism?
1. Rate and survival of organisms are different due to variations
2. Environmental pressure produces variations
3. An organ in constant use will grow in size
4. Inheritance of acquired characters
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Subtopic: Theory of Evolution & Lamarckism |
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