Common mycobionts and phycobionts of lichen body are respectively
1. Ascomycetes, Chlorophyceae
2. Ascomycetes, Cyanophyceae
3. Basidiomycetes, Chlorophyceae
4. Basidiomycetes, Cyanophyceae
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Most of the viruses are/have
1. Enveloped nucleo-protein structure
2. Non-enveloped nucleo-protein structure
3. Infectious protein particles
4. Double stranded DNA as well as dsRNA
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Select incorrect statement w.r.t. T4 bacteriophages
1. Have polygonal prismatic head
2. Motile organisms
3. Six tail fibres
4. ds-DNA as the genetic material
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Infectious RNA particles without protein coat
1. Have high molecular weight
2. Were discovered by Alper
3. Known to cause disease in plants
4. More than one option is correct
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Methanogens are responsible for production of biogas and they are
1. Obligate aerobes
2. Obligate anaerobes
3. Facultative aerobes
4. Facultative anaerobes
Read the following statements about photosynthesis.
a. Water is not the source of electrons.
b. Does not involve splitting of water.
c. Anoxygenic photosynthesis. Above features are related with
1. Nostoc
2. Anabaena
3. Chlorobium
4. Higher plants
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Subtopic: Kingdom Monera: Introduction |
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