Inner mitochondrial membrane is different from outer mitochondrial membrane in presence of
1. Less protein and more lipid
2. Cristae
3. Porins and cholesterol
4. Porins and c:ardiolipin
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Which of the following features is not associated with mitochondria?
1. Circular nucleic acid
2. Elementary particles in matrix
3. 70S ribosomes
4. Division through fission
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Which one of the following functions is not associated with microtubules?
1. Help in anaphasic movement of chromosomes
2. Form the cytoskeleton of cilia and flagella
3. Help in pseudopodia formation
4. Spindle and astral ray formation
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Centrioles have
1. 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules
2. 9 peripheral doublet microtubules
3. 2 centrally located microtubules
4. An organisation like the cartwheel
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Choose odd one out w.r.t. nuclear membrane.
1. Inner membrane is smooth
2. Cytoplasmic surface of nuclear envelope may bear ribosomes
3. Outer membrane bears 70S ribosomes
4. Perinuclear space is 10 to 50 nm
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