Viviparous type of seed germination is found in
1. Sonneratia
2. Rhizophora
3. Oryza sativa
4. Both (1) & (2)

Subtopic:  Seed Dormancy (OLD NCERT) |
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What is meant by vivipary in plants?
1. Seed germination with subterranean cotyledons
2. Seed germination with epiterranean cotyledons
3. Fruit development without pollination
4. Seed germination inside fruit, while the fruit is still attached to plant
Subtopic:  Seed Dormancy (OLD NCERT) |
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Which of the following plants do not show any correlation between exposure to light duration and induction of flowering response?
1. Long-day plant
2. Day-neutral plant 
3. Short day plant
4. All of these
Subtopic:  Photoperiodism (OLD NCERT) |
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Please attempt this question first.


Which of the following pair is incorrectly matched?
1. Tomato - Day-neutral plant
2. Wheat - Short day plant
3. Henbane - Long day plant
4. Sugarcane - Short-day plant
Subtopic:  Photoperiodism (OLD NCERT) |
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Please attempt this question first.

What is vernalisation?
1. Flowering is induced only when plant is exposed to certain duration of photoperiod
2. Flowering is either quantitatively or qualitatively dependent on exposure to low-temperature
3. Presence of different kinds of structure in response to environment or phases of life
4. All changes that an organism goes through during its life cycle
Subtopic:  Vernalization (OLD NCERT) |
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Please attempt this question first.

Stimulus of low temperature in vernalisation is perceived by
1. Leaves
2. Embryo of the seed
3. Flower
4. Pericarp
Subtopic:  Vernalization (OLD NCERT) |
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Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
1.  Cytokinins Richmond-Lang effect
2.  ABA Anti GA
3.  2,4-D Natural auxin
4.  Ethylene Fruit ripening
Subtopic:  Growth Hormones & Auxin |
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Please attempt this question first.

Find odd one from the given tissues developed by the process of de-differentiation.
1. lnterfascicular vascular cambium
2. Cork cambium
3. Secondary cortex
4. Wound cambium
Subtopic:  Growth |
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Please attempt this question first.

Mark the incorrect statement.
1. Most of the winter flowering plants are short-day plants
2. Wheat is a day-neutral plant
3. The site of perception of light is the leaves of plants during photoperiodism
4. Florigen migrates from leaves to shoot apices to induce flowering
Subtopic:  Photoperiodism (OLD NCERT) |
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The method of softening and weakening of seed coat to break the dormancy by the treatment of acid or alcohol is called
1. Vernalization
2. Stratification
3. Scarification
4. Photoperiodism
Subtopic:  Seed Dormancy (OLD NCERT) |
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