A botanist placed wet cobalt chloride strip on upper and lower surface of leaf of 2 different plants, say A and B. Wet cobalt chloride turn its colour from pink to blue when it is dried. Time taken to turn the colour of cobalt chloride is mentioned below.
Upper surface
Lower surface
Plant A
12 mins
2 mins
Plant B
2 mins
2.3 mins
Find the correct conclusion
1. Plant A have more stomata on upper surface.
2. Plant B have less stomata on lower surface.
3. Plant A have less stomata on upper surface.
4. Plant B can't have equal number of stomata on both surfaces
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Subtopic: Transpiration & Guttation |
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Water vapour diffuses out from sub stomatal cavity into atmosphere because
1. Positive pressure is created
2. Water has high tensile strength
3. Atmosphere has maximum saturation of water
4. Sub-stomatal cavity has higher \(\psi_{w}\)
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Plant obtain their carbon and most of their oxygen from
1. CO2 in the atmosphere
2. Water and minerals in the soil
3. Reduced carbons absorbed through epidermis
4. Oxygenated minerals in the epidermis
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Subtopic: Uptake and Transport of Mineral Nutrients |
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Tracheary elements help in capillarity because they
1. have non-polar surface
2. can store a large amount of water
3. have smaller diameter
4. can create negative hydrostatic pressure
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Find the incorrect statement regarding root endodermis
1. blocks apoplast movement of water
2. have suberin deposition
3. single layered
4. transport ions in both directions
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Subtopic: Photosynthesis Transpiration Compromise & Mineral Translocation |
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Unloading of sucrose from phloem to sink
1. Decreases osmotic pressure in phloem
2. Make phloem hypertonic
3. Increases the osmotic pressure in phloem
4. Lead to influx of water into phloem
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Subtopic: The Pressure Flow or Mass Flow Hypothesis |
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