At a particular locus, frequency of "A" allele is 0.6 and that of "a" is 0.4. What would be the frequency of heterozygotes in a random mating population at equilibrium? 
1.  0.36 
2. 0.16 
3. 0.24
4. 0.48 

Subtopic:  Hardy Weinberg Law |
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The eye of octopus and eye of dog show different structural patterns, yet they perform similar functions. This is an example of 
1. Analogous organs that have evolved due to divergent evolution 
2. Homologous organs that have evolved due to convergent evolution
3. Homologous organs that have evolved due to adaptive radiation 
4. Analogous organs that have evolved due to convergent evolution 
Subtopic:  Concept of Organic Evolution: Evidence |
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Please attempt this question first.

Which one of the following combination is correct in relation to 'natural selection'? 
A. Individuals with inherited traits that are best suited to the local environment 
B. Over many generations, a higher proportion of individuals in a population will have the advantageous traits 
C. Individuals in a population vary in their traits 
D. Competition is inevitable 
E. Evolution occurs as the unequal reproductive success of individuals adapt the population to its environment 
Choose the correct answer from the options given below: 
1. B, C and D only 
2. A, B, C and D only 
3. C, D and E only 
4. A, B, C, D and E only 
Subtopic:  Theory of Evolution & Lamarckism | Darwin's Theory | Summary of Darwin's Theory |
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Which of the following are incorrect about natural selection? 
A. It is a process in which individuals with certain heritable traits survive and reproduce at a higher rate than do other individuals 
B. It is a process that occurs through interactions between individuals and their enviornment resulting in the evolution of individuals 
C. It is a process that can over time, increase the frequency of favourable adaptations in a given enviornment 
D. It is a process that disropts the adaptation of individuals to a new environment 
E. Natural selection may lead to speciation 
Choose the correct answer from the options given below 
1. A and B only 
2. B and D only 
3. D and E only 
4. C and E only 
Subtopic:  Darwin's Theory |
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Please attempt this question first.

Terrestrial life evolved from aquatic life due to
1. Development of extra-embryonic membranes
2. Development of glandular skin
3. Modification of appendages into limbs
4, High body temperature
Subtopic:  Origin of Life |
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Given below are two statements
Statement I : When the two species are morphologically almost identical but do not normally interbreed, such species are sibling species.

Statement II : A sub population becomes reproductively isolated in the midst of its parent population. This is allopatric speciation.

In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
1. Both the statement I and statement II are true
2. Both statement I and statement II are false
3. Statement I is correct but statement II is false
4. Statement I is incorrect but statement II is true
Subtopic:  Concept of Speciation |
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Match List I with List II
List I List II
A. Devonian period I. First vertebrate and marine algae abundant
B. Pliocene period II. Gymnosperms continue as dominant plants & first birds
C. Ordovician period III. Diversification of bony fishes & first amphibian dominant
D. Jurassic period IV. Ape like ancestors of human appear

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A-IV        B -III        C-I        D-II
2. A-III        B-IV         C-II       D-I
3. A-II         B-III         C-I        D-IV
4. A-III        B-IV        C-I         D-II
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The brain capacities of Homo habilis is 
1. Between 1200 - 1300 cc
2. 1400 cc
3. 650 - 880 cc
4. Between 1300 - 1350 cc
Subtopic:  Evolution of Homo Sapiens |
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Please attempt this question first.

In 1953, S.L. Miller in his experiment created electric discharge in closed flask containing CH4, H2, NH3 and water vapour at
1. 750ºC
2. 800ºC
3. 850ºC
4. 700ºC
Subtopic:  Urey & Miller Experiment |
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Please attempt this question first.


Given below are two statements:
Statement I: In England, during the Industrial Revolution, the black-colored form of Biston Betularia became dominant over the light-colored form of moth because of natural selection, the darker forms were selected.
Statement II: Prior to the Industrial Revolution, the peppered moths exhibited protective mimicry and the light-colored moths were not noticed by predatory birds due to light-colored lichens on the bark of trees.
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
1. Both statement I and statement II are true.
2. Both statement I and statement II are false.
3. Statement I is correct but statement II is false.
4. Statement I is incorrect but statement II is true.
Subtopic:  Concept of Organic Evolution: Evidence |
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Please attempt this question first.