Phenacetin is used as:
(1) antipyrtic
(2) antiseptic
(3) antimalarial
(4) analgesic
Which of the following is used as an oxidizer in rocket propellants?
(1) Kerosene
(2) nitric acid
(3) Liquid oxygen
(4) Liquid hydrogen
An example of a liquid propellant is:
1. Nitro cellulose
2. HNO3 + HCl
3. Hydrazine
4. None of the above
A large number of antibiotics have been isolated form
(1) bacteria actinomycetes
(2) acids
(3) alkanols
(4) bacteria rhizobium
Hydrazine is a constituent of drugs that are used for the treatment of:
(1) typhoid
(2) cholera
(3) malaria
(4) tuberculosis
The substances which effect the central nervous system and induce sleep are called;
(1) tranquilizers
(2) antipyretics
(3) analgesics
(4) None of these
Which one is communicable disease?
(1) Scurvy
(2) Diabetes
(3) Beri-beri
(4) Cholera
An antibiotic contains nitro group attached to aromatic nucleus. it is:
(1) penicillin
(2) streptomycin
(3) tetracycline
(4) chloramphenicol
2-4,-dichloro phenoxyacetic acid is used as a:
(1) fungicide
(2) insecticide
(3) herbicide
(4) moth repellent
Chloroquine is used to prevent or treat malaria caused by mosquito bites. is an example of:
(1) Antipyretic
(2) Antimalarial
(3) Antibacterial
(4) Antitubercular drug