The vitamin whose content increases following the conversion of milk into curd by lactic acid bacteria is:

1. vitamin C 2. vitamin D
3. vitamin B12 4. vitamin E

Subtopic:  Industrial Products, Beverages & Antibiotics |

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Wastewater treatment generates a large quantity of sludge, which can be treated by:

1.anaerobic digesters2.floc
3.chemicals4.oxidation pond

Subtopic:  Microbes in Sewage Treatment |

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Methanogenic bacteria are not found in:

1. rumen of cattle

2. gobar gas plant

3. bottom of water-logged paddy fields

4. activated sludge

Subtopic:  Microbes in Sewage Treatment |

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Match the following list of bacteria and their commercially important products:

Bacterium  Product
A. Aspergillus niger i. Lactic acid
B. Acetobacter aceti ii. Butyric acid
C. Clostridium butylicum iii. Acetic acid
D. Lactobacillus iv. Citric acid

Choose the correct match:

1. ii iii iv i
2. ii iv iii i
3. iv iii ii i
4. iv i iii ii
Subtopic:  Microbes in Household Products | Chemicals, Enzymes & Other Bioactive Molecules |
Please attempt this question first.
Please attempt this question first.

Match the following list of bioactive substances and their roles:

Bioactive Substance Role
A.  Statin i.  Removal of oil stains
B.  Cyclosporin A  ii.  Removal of clots from blood vessels
C.  Streptokinase iii.  Lowering of blood cholesterol
D.  Lipase iv.  Immuno-suppressive agent

Choose the correct match:

1.A-ii, B-iii, C-i, D-iv2.A-iv, B-ii, C-i, D-iii
3.A-iv, B-i, C-ii, D-iii4.A-iii, B-iv, C-ii, D-i

Subtopic:  Chemistry of Fermented Beverages | Microbes in Household Products |

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The primary treatment of wastewater involves the removal of:

1. dissolved impurities 2. stable particles
3. toxic substances 4. harmful bacteria
Subtopic:  Microbes in Sewage Treatment |

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The technology of biogas production from cow dung was developed in India largely due to the efforts of:

1. Gas Authority of India
2. Oil and Natural Gas Commission
3. Indian Agricultural Research Institute and Khadi & Village Industries Commission
4. Indian Oil Corporation
Subtopic:  Microbes in Production of Biogas |

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The free-living fungus Trichoderma can be used for:

1. killing insects

2. biological control of plant diseases

3. controlling butterfly caterpillars

4. producing antibiotics

Subtopic:  Microbes in Biocontrol Agent |

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Mycorrhiza does not help the host plant in:

1. Enhancing its phosphorus uptake capacity
2. Increasing its tolerance to drought
3. Enhancing its resistance to root pathogens
4. Increasing its resistance to insects
Subtopic:  Microbes in Biocontrol Agent |

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Which one of the following is not a nitrogen-fixing organism?

1.  Anabaena 2.  Nostoc
3.  Azotobacter 4.  Pseudomonas

Subtopic:  Microbes as Biofertilizer |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.