A competitive inhibitor of succinic dehydrogenase is
1. malonate
2. oxaloacetate
3. α-ketoglutarate
4. malate


Subtopic:  Enzyme Inhibition |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

Three of the following statements about enzymes are correct and one is wrong, which one is wrong
1. Most enzymes are proteins but some are lipids
2. Enzymes require optimum pH for maximal activity
3. Enzymes are denatured at high temperatures but in certain exceptional organisms they are effective even at temperatures 80°- 90°C
4. Enzymes are highly specific

Subtopic:  Enzymes |

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In curve of enzyme catalyzed reaction, the value of velocity of enzyme reaction at point A will be


1. 12Vmax and velocity may increase by increasing temperature
2.  12Vmax and velocity may increase by increasing substrate
3.12Vmax and velocity may increase by increasing by catalyst
4. 12Vmax and velocity remain constant even changing any factor in to the medium.

Subtopic:  Factors Affecting Enzyme Catalysis Reaction |

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Which one of the following enzymes carries out the initial step in the digestion of milk in humans?
1. Pepsin                                                                   
2. Rennin
3. Lipase
4. Trypsin

Subtopic:  Gastric Secretions |

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Given below is the diagrammatic representation of one of the categories of small molecular weight organic compounds in the living tissues. Identify the category shown and the one blank component "X" in it.

   Category                                Component

1. Cholesterol                                Guanine
2. Amino acid                                 NH2
3. l Nucleotide                               Adenine
4. Nucleoside                                 Uracil

Subtopic:  Introduction |

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Which one of the following is a non-reducing carbohydrate?

1. Maltose                                      
2. Sucrose
3. Lactose
4. Ribose 5-phosphate
Subtopic:  Carbohydrates |

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Select the option which is not correct with respect to enzyme action:
1. Substrate binds with enzyme at its active site.
2. Addition of a lot of succinate does not reverse the inhibition of succinic dehydrogenase by malonate.
3. A non-competitive inhibitor binds the enzyme at a site distinct from that which binds the substrate.
4. Malonate is a competitive inhibitor of succinic dehydrogenase.

Subtopic:  Enzyme Inhibition |

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Which one of the following statements is incorrect?
1. In competitive inhibition, the inhibitor molecule is not chemically changed by the enzyme.
2. The competitive inhibitor does not affect the rate of breakdown of the enzyme-substrate complex.
3. The presence of the competitive inhibitor decreases the Km of the enzyme for the substrate.
4. A competitive inhibitor reacts reversibly with the enzyme to form an enzyme-inhibitor complex.

Subtopic:  Factors Affecting Enzyme Catalysis Reaction |

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In sea urchin DNA, which is double stranded, 17% of the bases were shown to be cytosine. The percentages of the other three bases expected to be present in this DNA are :
1. G 17%, A 16.5%,T32.5%
2. G 17%, A 33%,T 33%
3. G8.5%,A50%, T24.5%
4. G 34%,A 24.5%,T 24.5%

Subtopic:  DNA Double Helix |

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Which one of the following is not applicable to RNA?
1. 5’ phosphoryl and 3’ hydroxyl ends
2. Heterocyclic nitrogenous bases
3. Chargaff’s rule
4. Complementary base pairing

Subtopic:  DNA Double Helix |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.