The concept of genetic bottlenecks includes which of the following?

1. a loss of genetic diversity in descendent populations
2. extensive gene flow
3. sharing of genetic material between two populations
4. increased ability to resist new diseases

Subtopic:  Difference Between Drift & Selection | Population Genetics | Concept of Isolation |

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Which statement most accurately reflects what population geneticists refer to as "fitness"?

1.  Fitness is the measure of an organism's adaptability to various habitats.
2.  Fitness reflects the number of mates each individual in the population selects.
3.  Fitness refers to the relative health of each individual in the population.
4.  Fitness is a measure of the contribution of a genotype to the gene pool of the next generation.
Subtopic:  Darwin's Theory |

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Organisms that are least likely to experience extinction over the long term are most likely to be found in:

1. areas inhabited by humans 2. very stable habitats
3. desert 4. savanna
Subtopic:  Importance of Biodiversity |

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Which one of the following would cause the Hardy-Weinberg principle to be inaccurate?

1. The size of the population is very large.
2. Individuals mate with one another at random.
3. Natural selection is present.
4. There is no source of new copies of alleles from outside the population.

Subtopic:  Hardy Weinberg Law: 1 | Hardy Weinberg Law: 2 |

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Which one of the following populations would most quickly lead to two groups with few shared traits?

1.  a population with disruptive selection
2.  a population with directional selection
3.  a population with stabilizing selection
4.  a population with no selection

Subtopic:  Concept of Organic Evolution: Evidence: 1 | Concept of Organic Evolution: Evidence: 2 | Concept of Organic Evolution: Evidence: 3 | Hardy Weinberg Law: 1 | Hardy Weinberg Law: 2 |

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Which of the following is used as an atmospheric pollution indicator?

1. Lepidoptera 2. Lichens
3. Lycopersicon 4. Lycopodium
Subtopic:  Natural Selection |

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The theory of spontaneous generation stated that:

1. life arose from living forms only
2. life can arise from both living and non-living
3. life can arise from non-living things only
4. life arises spontaneously, neither from the living nor from the non-living

Subtopic:  Other Theories of Origin of Life |

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Animal husbandry and plant breeding programmes are the examples of:

1. reverse evolution

2. artificial selection

3. mutation

4. natural selection

Subtopic:  Theory of Evolution & Lamarckism |

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Palaeontological evidence for evolution refers to the:

1. development of the embryo 2. homologous organs
3. fossils 4. analogous organs
Subtopic:  Palentological Evidences of Evolution |

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The bones of forelimbs of whales, bats, cheetahs, and men are similar in structure, because:

1.  one organism has given rise to another
2.  they share a common ancestor
3.  they perform the same function
4.  they have biochemical similarities

Subtopic:  Modern Theory of Evolution | Concept of Speciation |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.