Evolution is
1. progressive development of a race
2. history and development of race along with variations
3. history of race
4. development of race
Which of the following organisms alive today is likely to be most similar to the first life forms that evolved on the earth?
1. Methane producing bacteria
2. Cyanobacteria
3. Unicellular algae
4. Diatoms
The slow process by which new types of organism arise from existing forms by genetic
variation is called
1. Hybridisation
2. Mutation
3. Evolution
4. Transformation
In the story of this world, evolution is a …... and in the story of life on Earth, evolution is……
1. Process, result of environmental changes
2. Result of environmental changes, process
3. Process, result of natural selection
4. Result of natural selection, process
1. | Thorn of Bougainvillea and tendrils of Cucurbita – Analogous organs |
2. | Nictitating membrane and blind spot in the human eye – vestigial organs |
3. | Nephridia of the earthworm and Malpighian tubules of cockroach - Excretory organs |
4. | Wings of a honey bee and wings of crow - Homologous organs |