In Carnot, engine efficiency is \(40\text{%}\), at hot reservoir temperature \(T\). For \(50\text{%}\) efficiency, what will be the temperature of the hot reservoir?
1. \(\frac TS\)
2. \(\frac{2T}{5}\)
3. \(6T\)
4. \(\frac{6T}{5}\)

Subtopic:  Heat Engine & Refrigerator (OLD NCERT) |
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A ball of mass \(2\) kg moving with velocity \(3\) m/s, collides with spring of natural length \(2\) m and force constant \(144\) N/m. What will be the length of the compressed spring?
1. \(2\) m
2. \(1.5\) m
3. \(1\) m
4. \(0.5\) m

Subtopic:  Elastic Potential Energy |
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A proton moving vertically downward enters a magnetic field pointing towards the north. In which direction the proton will deflect?
1. east
2. west
3. north
4. south

Subtopic:  Lorentz Force |
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Induced emf in the coil depends upon:

1. conductivity of coil
2. amount of flux
3. rate of change of linked
4. resistance of coil

Subtopic:  Faraday's Law & Lenz Law |
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X-rays are used in determining the molecular structure of crystalline because:

1. its energy is high
2. it can penetrate the material
3. its wavelength is comparable to interatomic distance
4. its frequency is low
Subtopic:  X-Ray (OLD NCERT) |
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Light of frequency \(v\) falls on the material of threshold frequency \(v_0.\) Maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electron is proportional to:
1. \(v-v_0\)
2. \(v\)
3. \(\sqrt{v-v_0}\)
4. \(v_0\)

Subtopic:  Einstein's Photoelectric Equation |
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A light moves from denser to rarer medium, which of the following is correct?

1. energy increases
2. frequency increases
3. phase changes by \(90^\circ\)
4. velocity increases


Subtopic:  Refraction at Plane Surface |
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Which one of the following statements is true?

1. both light and sound waves in the air are transverse.
2. the sound waves in air are longitudinal while the light waves are transverse.
3. both light and sound waves in the air are longitudinal.
4. both light and sound waves can travel in a vacuum.
Subtopic:  Types of Waves |
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A metro train starts from rest and in \(5\) s achieves \(108\) km/h. After that it moves with a constant velocity and comes to rest after travelling \(45\) m with uniform retardation. If total distance travelled is \(395\) m, then total time of travelling is:
1. \(12.2\) s
2. \(15.3\) s
3. \(9\) s
4. \(17.2\) s

Subtopic:  Distance & Displacement |
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A closed organ pipe of length \(20\) cm is sounded with a tuning fork in resonance. What is the frequency of the tuning fork? (\(v=332\) m/s)
1. \(300\) Hz
2. \(350\) Hz
3. \(375\) Hz
4. \(415\) Hz

Subtopic:  Standing Waves |
Please attempt this question first.