Horizontal tube of non-uniform cross-section has radii of \(0.1\) m and \(0.05\) m respectively at M and N. For a streamlined flow of the liquid, the rate of liquid flow is:

1. changing continuously with time
2. greater at M than at N
3. greater at N than at M
4. same at M and N

Subtopic:  Equation of Continuity |
Please attempt this question first.

A coil of \(n\) number of turns is wound tightly in the form of a spiral with inner and outer radii \(a\) and \(b\) respectively. When a current of strength \(I\) am passed through the coil, the magnetic field at its centre is:
1. \(\frac{\mu_{_0}nI}{(b-a)}\log_e\frac ab\)
2. \(\frac{\mu_{_0}nI}{2(b-a)}\)
3. \(\frac{\mu_{_0}nI}{b}\)
4. \(\frac{\mu_{_0}nI}{2(b-a)}\log_e\frac ba\)


Subtopic:  Magnetic Field due to various cases |
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A certain vector in the xy-plane has an x-component of \(4\) m and a y-component of \(10\) m. It is then rotated in the xy-plane so that its x-component is doubled. Then, its new y-component will be: (approximately)
1. \(20\) m
2. \(7.2\) m
3. \(5.0\) m
4. \(4.5\) m
Subtopic:  Resolution of Vectors |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch


A police party is moving in a jeep at a constant speed \(v.\) They saw a thief at a distance \(x\) on a motorcycle which is at rest. The moment the police saw the thief, the thief started at constant acceleration which of the following relations is true if the police is able to catch the thief?
1. \(v^2<ax\)
2. \(v^2<2ax\)
3. \(v^2\geq 2ax\)
4. \(v^2=ax\)


Subtopic:  Relative Motion in One Dimension |
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If two soap bubbles of different radii are connected by a tube, then:
1. air flows from the bigger bubble to the smaller bubble till sizes become equal.
2. air flows from the bigger bubble to the smaller bubble till sizes are interchanged.
3. air flows from smaller bubbles to bigger ones.
4. there is no flow of air.

Subtopic:  Surface Tension |
Please attempt this question first.

The thermo emf of a hypothetical thermocouple varies with the temperature \(\theta\) of the hot junction as \(E=a\theta+b\theta^2\) in volts, where the ratio is \(\frac ab\) is \(700~^\circ \mathrm{C}.\) If the cold junction is kept at \(0~^\circ \mathrm{C},\) then the neutral temperature is:

1. \(700~^\circ \mathrm{C}\)
2. \(1400~^\circ \mathrm{C}\)
3. \(-350~^\circ \mathrm{C}\)
4. No neutral temperature is possible for this thermocouple.
Subtopic:  Heating Effects of Current |
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A launching vehicle carrying an artificial satellite of mass \(m\) is set for launch on the surface of the earth of mass \(M\) and radius \(R.\) If the satellite is intended to move in a circular orbit of radius \(7R,\) the minimum energy required to be spent by the launching vehicle on the satellite is:
(Gravitational constant= \(G\))
1. \(\frac{GMm}{R}\)
2. \(-\frac{13GMm}{14R}\)
3. \(\frac{GMm}{7R}\)
4. \(-\frac{GMm}{14R}\)


Subtopic:  Satellite |
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The two lenses of an achromatic doublet should have:

1. equal powers
2. equal dispersive powers
3. equal ratio of their power and dispersive power
4. sum of the product of their powers and dispersive power equal to zero

Subtopic:  Lenses |
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If the ratio of lengths, radii and Young's modulus of steel and brass wires shown in the figure are \(a,\) \(b\) and \(c\) respectively, the ratio between the increase in lengths of brass and steel wires would be:


1. \( \frac{{b}^{2}a}{2c}\)
2. \( \frac{bc}{2{a}^{3}}\)
3. \( \frac{{ba}^{2}}{2c}\)
4. \( \frac{a}{2{b}^{2}c}\)

Subtopic:  Elasticity |
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A soap bubble of radius \(r\) is blown up to form a bubble of radius \(2r\) under isothermal conditions. If \(T\) is the surface tension of the soap solution, the energy spent in the blowing is:
1. \(3\pi Tr^2\)
2. \(6\pi Tr^2\)
3. \(12\pi Tr^2\)
4. \(24\pi Tr^2\)

Subtopic:  Surface Tension |
Please attempt this question first.