A transverse wave is represented by the equation;   \(y=y_0\sin\frac{2\lambda}{\lambda}(vt-k).\)
For what value of \(\lambda\) is the particle velocity equal to two times the wave velocity?
1. \(\lambda=\pi y_0\)
2. \(\lambda=\frac{\pi y_0}{2}\)
3. \(\lambda=\frac{\pi y_0}{3}\)
4. \(\lambda=2\pi y_0\)

Subtopic:  Types of Waves |
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Ionization potential of hydrogen atom is \(13.6\) eV. Hydrogen atoms on the ground state are rarely excited by monochromatic radiation of photon \(12.1\) eV. The special line emitted by a hydrogen atom according to Bohr’s theory will be:
1. one
2. two
3. three
4. four

Subtopic:  Bohr's Model of Atom |
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The internal resistance of a primary cell is 4 \(\Omega.\) It generates a current of 0.2 A in an external resistance of 21 \(\Omega.\) The rate at which chemical energy to consumed in providing current is:
1. 1 J/s
2. 5 J/s
3. 0.42 J/s
4. 0.8 J/s
Subtopic:  Heating Effects of Current |
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The binding energy per nucleon is maximum in the case of:
1. \(^{235}_{92}U\)
2. \(^{141}_{56}U\)
3. \(^{56}_{26}Fe\)
4. \(^{2}_{4}He\)


Subtopic:  Nuclear Binding Energy |
Please attempt this question first.

Two rigid bodies \(A\) and \(B\) rotate with rotational kinetic-energies \(E_A\) and \(E_B\) respectively. The moments of inertia of \(A\) and \(B\) about the axis of rotation are \(I_A\) and \(I_B\) respectively. If \(I_A=\frac{I_B}{4}\) and \(E_A=100=E_0,\) the ratio of angular momentum \((L_A)\) of \(A\) to the angular momentum \((L_B)\) of \(B\) is:
1. \(25\)
2. \(5/4\)
3. \(5\)
4. \(1/4\)

Subtopic:  Angular Momentum |
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The working principle of a ballpoint pen is:
1. Bernoulli's theorem
2. Surface tension
3. Gravity
4. Viscosity

Subtopic:  Surface Tension |
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Progressive waves are represented by the equation; 
 \(y_1=a\sin(\omega t-x)\) and \(y_2=b\cos(\omega t-x)\)
The phase difference between waves is:
1. \(0^\circ\)
2. \(45^\circ\)
3. \(90^\circ\)
4. \(180^\circ\)

Subtopic:  Types of Waves |
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Two simple pendulums of length \(0.5\) m and \(20\) m respectively are given small linear displacement in one direction at the same time. They will again be in the phase when the pendulum of shorter length has completed \(n\) oscillations, where \(n\) is:
1. \(1\)
2. \(3\)
3. \(2\)
4. \(5\)

Subtopic:  Simple Harmonic Motion |
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A balloon contains \(500\) m3 of helium at \(27~^\circ \mathrm{C}\) and \(1\) atmosphere pressure. The volume of the helium at \(-3~^\circ \mathrm{C}\) temperature and \(0.5\) atmosphere pressure will be:
1. \(1000\) m3
2. \(900\) m3
3. \(700\) m3
4. \(500\) m3

Subtopic:  Ideal Gas Equation |
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\(220 ~\mathrm{V}\), \(50~\mathrm{Hz}\), AC source is connected to an inductance of \(0.2~\mathrm{H}\) and a resistance of \(20\) \(\Omega\) in series. What is the current in the circuit?
1. \(3.33~\mathrm{A}\) 
2. \(33.3~\mathrm{A}\) 
3. \(5\mathrm{A}\) 
4. \(10\mathrm{~A}\) 

Subtopic:  RMS & Average Values |
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