A hemispherical bowl of radius r is set rotating about its axis of symmetry in vertical. A small block kept in the bowl rotates with the bowl without slipping on its surface. If the surface of the bowl is smooth and the angle made by the radius through the block with the vertical is θ, then find the angular speed at which the ball is rotating.

1. ω=rg sinθ

2. \(\omega= \sqrt{\frac{g}{rcos\theta }}\)

3. ω=grcosθ

4. ω=grtanθ

Subtopic:  Non Uniform Vertical Circular Motion |
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The phase difference between the flux linked with a ball rotating in a uniform magnetic field and induced emf produced in it is

1. π/2

2. π/3

3. -π/6

4. π

Subtopic:  Magnetic Flux |
Please attempt this question first.

A condenser of 250 is connected in parallel to a coil of inductance of 0.16 mH, while its effective resistance is 20 Ω. Determine the resonant frequency.

1. 9×104Hz

2. 16×107Hz

3. 8×105Hz

4. 9×103Hz

Subtopic:  Different Types of AC Circuits |
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For Bragg’s diffraction by a crystal to occur, then the X-ray of wavelength and interatomic distance d must be

1. λ is greater than 2d

2. λ equals 2d

3. λ is smaller than or equal to 2d

4. λ is smaller than 2d

Subtopic:  X-Ray (OLD NCERT) |
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A wire having mass m and length l can freely slide on a pair of parallel smooth horizontal rails placed in vertical magnetic field B. The rails are connected by a capacitor of capacitance C. The electric resistance of the rails and the wire as shown in the figure. Then, the acceleration of the wire can be given as 

1. a=C2B2 l-Fm

2. a=Fm+CBl

3. a=FC2B2 lm

4. a=Fm+C2B2l

Subtopic:  Motional emf |
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Consider the situation shown in figure A spring of spring constant \(400~\text{N/m}\) is attached at one end to a wedge fixed rigidly with the horizontal part. A \(40~\text{g}\) mass is released form rest while situated at a height \(5~\text{cm}\) the curved track. The maximum deformation in the spring is nearly equal to: 
1. \(9.8~\text{m}\)
2. \(9.8~\text{cm}\)
3. \(0.98~\text{m}\)
4. \(0.009~\text{m}\)
Subtopic:  Work Done by Variable Force |
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A block having mass m collides with an another stationary block having mass 2 m. The lighter block comes to rest after collision. If the velocity of first block is v, then the value of coefficient of restitution will must be

1. 0.5

2. 0.4

3. 0.6

4. 0.8

Subtopic:  Linear Momentum |
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A uniform sphere of mass 500 g rolls without slipping on a plane surface so that its centre moves at a speed of 0.02 m/s. 
The total kinetic energy of rolling sphere would be (in J)

1. 1.4×10-4 J

2. 0.75×10-3 J

3. 5.75×10-3 J

4. 4.9×10-5 J

Subtopic:  Rolling Motion (OLD NCERT) |
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The force on a particle as the function of displacement x(in x-direction) is given by 
F = 10 + 0.5 x 
The work done corresponding to displacement of particle from x = 0 to x = 2 unit is

1. 25 J

2. 29 J

3. 21 J

4. 18 J

Subtopic:  Work Done by Variable Force |
Please attempt this question first.
Please attempt this question first.