Which of the following is a secondary pollutant?
1. | All the biological factors in the organism environment |
2. | The physical space where an organism lives |
3. | The range of temperature that the organism needs to live |
4. | The functional role played by the organism where it lives |
Natality refers to:
1. Death rate
2. Birth rate
3. Number of individuals leaving the habitat
4. Number of individuals entering the habitat
What type of ecological pyramid would be obtained with the following data?
Secondary consumer: 120 g
Primary consumer: 60 g
Primary producer: 10 g
1. Inverted pyramid of biomass
2. Pyramid of energy
3. Upright pyramid of numbers
4. Upright pyramid of biomass
1. 5th June
2. 21st April
3. 16th September
4. 22nd April
1. | Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) |
2. | Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) |
3. | Research Committee on Genetic Manipulation (RCGM) |
4. | Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) |
A 'new variety of rice was patented by a foreign company through such varieties have been present in India for a long time. This is related to the?
1. Co-667
2. Sharbati Sonora
3. Lerma Rojo
4. Basmati
Select the correct Match:
1. Ribozyme - Nucleic acid
2. F2 × Recessive parent - Dihybrid cross
3. T.H. Morgan - Transduction
4. G. Mendel - Transformation
Use of bioresources by multinational companies and organizations without authorization from the concerned country and its people is called?
1. Bio-infringement
2. Biopiracy
3. Biodegradation
4. Bio-exploitation