Species separated by geographical barriers are called:
1.  Allopatric
2.  Sympatric
3.  Sibling
4.  Endemic

Subtopic:  Concept of Speciation |
AIPMT - 1998
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Age of Dryopithecous is estimated to be:
1.  2.46 crore years
2.  2.46 lakh year
3.  1 lakh year
4.  1 crore year

Subtopic:  Introduction to Human Evolution |
AIPMT - 1998
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Which of the following statement is true:
1.  Homo erectus is direct ancestor of Homo sapiens
2.  Neanderthal man is direct ancestor of modern man
3.  Australopithecous is direct ancestor of modern man
4.  Fossils of cromagnon man first found in Ethiopia

Subtopic:  Introduction to Human Evolution |
AIPMT - 1998
Please attempt this question first.
Please attempt this question first.


Evolution of heart from one to two, three and four chambered proves:
1.  Biogenetic law of Haeckel
2.  Lamarckism
3.  Hardy weinberg's law
4.  Neo Darwinism

Subtopic:  Embryological Evidence of Evolution |
AIPMT - 1998
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Please attempt this question first.

Genetic drift mainly takes place in:
1.  Small population
2.  Large population
3.  Oceanic population
4.  Never occurs

Subtopic:  Sources of Variation: 1 |
AIPMT - 1998
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In present times, the origin of life is not possible from inorganic compounds due to:
1. Non-availability of raw material
2. High concentration of O2 in the atmosphere
3. Decrease in temperature
4. Excess of pollution

Subtopic:  Origin of Life |
AIPMT - 1998
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch


On Galapagos island, Darwin observed variation in beaks of birds (Darwin's finches) and he concluded:
1.  Inter species variation
2.  Intraspecies variation
3.  Natural selection according to food
4.  Inheritance of acquired characters

Subtopic:  Palentological Evidences of Evolution |
AIPMT - 1998
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

Two opposite forces operate in the growth and development of every population. One of them is related to the ability to reproduce at a given rate. The force opposite to it is called:
1.  Fecundity
2.  Environmental resistances
3.  Biotic control
4.  Mortality

Subtopic:  Modern Theory of Evolution |
AIPMT - 1998
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The age of fossils in the past was generally determined by the radio-carbon method and other methods involving radioactive elements found in the rocks. More precise methods, which were used recently and led to the revision of the evolutionary periods for different groups of organisms include:

1. Study of the conditions of fossilization

2. Electron spin resonance (ESR) & fossil DNA

3. Study of carbohydrates/proteins in rocks

4. Study of carbohydrates/proteins in fossils

Subtopic:  Palentological Evidences of Evolution |
AIPMT - 2004
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What kind of evidence suggested that man is more closely related to chimpanzees than to other hominoid apes?

1.  Comparison of chromosome morphology only
2.  Evidence from fossil remains and the fossil mitochondrial DNA alone
3.  Evidence from DNA extracted from sex chromosomes, autosomes & mitochondria
4.  Evidence from DNA from sex chromosomes only

Subtopic:  Evolution of Homo Sapiens |
AIPMT - 2004
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch