The phenomenon where a single gene exhibits multiple phenotypic expressions is called:
1. Co-dominance
2. Pleiotropy
3. Multiple alleles
4. Polygenic inheritance

Subtopic:  Polygenic Inheritance & Pleiotropy |
NEET - 2024
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In animal kingdom, along with XX-YY mechanism, many other variants of chromosomal sex determination mechanisms have been described such as XX-XO mechanism, ZZ-ZW mechanism ZZ-ZO mechanism and haplo-diploidy mechanism, which are present respectively in:
1. Birds, Grasshopper, Wasp, Moth
2. Grasshopper, Birds, Moth, Wasp
3. Birds, Moth, Grasshopper, Wasp
4. Grasshopper, Moth, Birds, Wasp
Subtopic:  Sex Determination |
NEET - 2024
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The manifestations of phenylketonuria are given below. Choose the incorrect answer from the given options:
1. Mental retardation
2. Skin rashes
3. Excessive accumulation of phenylpyruvate in blood
4. Furrowed tongue
Subtopic:  Mendelian Disorders |
NEET - 2024
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A yellow seeded and violet flowered pea plant was crossed with a green seeded and white flowered pea plant. The progeny showed plants with four different phenotypes. The yellow seeded and violet flowered parent must be:
1. Double homozygous
2. Double heterozygous
3. Homozygous for seed colour and heterozygous for flower colour.
4. Heterozygous for seed colour and homozygous for flower colour.
Subtopic:  Dihybrid Cross Analysis |
NEET - 2024
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Given below are two statements : One is labelled as  Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). 
Assertion (A): In honey bee population, sons do not have fathers but have grandfathers.
Reason (R): Haploidy in drones of honey bee is due to parthenogenesis while fertilisation  results into female bees.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: 
1. Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
2. Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
3. (A) is True but (R) is False.
4. (A) is False but (R) is True.
Subtopic:  Sex Determination |
NEET - 2024
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Which of the following is NOT an autosomal recessive disorder? 
1. Sickle cell anemia 
2. Phenylketonuria 
3. Haemophilia
4. Thalassemia
Subtopic:  Mendelian Disorders | Mendelian Disorders: Hemophilia |
NEET - 2024
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A cross between tall plants was made resulting in offspring of tall and dwarf plants with ratio 3 : 1. The genotype(s) of both parents are:
1. TT and TT
2. Tt and tt
3. Tt and Tt
4. tt and tt
Subtopic:  Monohybrid Cross: 1 | Monohybrid Cross: Further Understanding |
NEET - 2024
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ABO blood group is an example of 
1. Incomplete dominance
2. Multiple allele
3. Pleiotropy
4. Linkage
Subtopic:  Co-dominance |
NEET - 2024
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As per \(\mathrm{ABO}\) blood grouping system, the blood group of father is \(\mathrm{B^+}\), mother is \(\mathrm{A^+}\) and child is \(\mathrm{O^+}\). Their respective genotype can be 
A. \(\mathrm{I^{B}i / I^{A}i / ii}\)
B. \(\mathrm{I}^{\mathrm{B}} \mathrm{I}^{\mathrm{B}} / \mathrm{I}^{\mathrm{A}} \mathrm{I}^{\mathrm{A}} / \mathrm{ii}\)
C. \(\mathrm{I^AI^B/iI^A/I^Bi}\)
D. \(\mathrm{I^{A}i / I^{B}i / I^{A}i}\)
E. \(\mathrm{i I^B / i I^A / I^A I^B}\)
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below: 
1. B only 
2. C & B only 
3. D & E only 
4. A only 
Subtopic:  Co-dominance |
NEET - 2024
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Match List I with List II:
List I List II
A.   Down's syndrome  I.  \(11^{\text {th }}\) chromosome
B.  \(\alpha\) -Thalassemia  II.  \(' \mathrm{X} '\) chromosome
C.  \(\beta\) -Thalassemia  III.  \(21^{\text {st }}\) chromosome
D.  Klinefelter's
IV.  \(16^{\text {th }}\) chromosome

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A-II, B-III,C-IV, D-I 
2. A-III, B-IV,C-I, D-II 
3. A-IV, B-I, C-II, D-III 
4. A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV
Subtopic:  Mendelian Disorders | Chromosomal Disorders |
NEET - 2024
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