Assertion(A):  The acid-insoluble fraction contains lipids and proteins.
Reason(R): The molecular weight of proteins and lipids is in the range of ten thousand daltons and above.
In the light of the above statements, select the option with the correct answer.
1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
2. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
3. (A) is true, (R) is false.
4. (A) is false, (R) is true.
Subtopic:  Element Analysis | Introduction |
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Please attempt this question first.

Assertion(A): When glucose is catabolised to lactic acid, energy is liberated.
Reason(R): In an exothermic reaction, the energy level of ‘Product’ (lactic acid) is lower than that of ‘Substrate’ (glucose).
In the light of above statements, select the correct answer from the options given below.
1. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
2. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
3. (A) is true, (R) is false
4. (A) is false, (R) is true
Subtopic:  Enzyme Catalysis | Introduction |
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Please attempt this question first.

Match column-I with column-II and select the correct option 
Column-I Column-II
a. Retentate (i) Diterpenes
b. Aromatic amino acid (ii) Valine
c. Neutral amino acid (iii) Nucleic acids 
d. Terpenoids (iv) Tryptophan

1. a(ii), b(iv), c(iii), d(i)
2. a(iii), b(iv), c(ii), d(i)
3. a(i), b(iv), c(ii), d(iii)
4. a(iii), b(ii), c(iv), d(i)
Subtopic:  Introduction | Primary & Secondary Metabolites |
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Please attempt this question first.
