Given below are two statements : one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): HIV/Aids infected persons should not be isolated from family and society.
Reason (R): There is a time-lag of a few months to many years [usually 5-10 years] between infection and the appearance of AIDS symptoms.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :
1. Both (A) and (R) are False.
2. Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) explains (A).
3. Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) does not correctly explain (A).
4. (A) is True but (R) is False.

Subtopic:  AIDS |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

What is not correct regarding the pathogenesis of AIDS in humans?
I:  HIV first enters into the macrophages.
II:  Macrophages are used by HIV as a factory to produce more virus particles.
III:  The viral cDNA does not get integrated into any cells in the human body.
IV:  HIV also enters the T-helper cells and destroys them.
V:  The anti-retroviral treatment for AIDS is completely curative.
1. All except V 2. Only III and V
3. Only I, III and IV 4. All
Subtopic:  AIDS |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

Regarding carcinogens:
I:  Almost all carcinogens are mutagens.
II:  X-rays and Gamma rays are non-ionising.
III:  UV rays are ionising radiations.

1. Only I is correct
2. Only II and III are correct
3. Only III is correct
4. I, II, and III are correct
Subtopic:  Cancer |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch


Given below are two statements : one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Early detection of cancer is essential for a favourable prognosis.
Reason (R): Early detection allows the disease to be treated successfully in many cases.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :
1. Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) correctly explains (A).
2. Both (A) and (R) are False.
3. (A) is True but (R) is False.
4. Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) does not explain (A).
Subtopic:  Cancer |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

Identify the incorrect statement:
1. Leukaemias are diagnosed by blood and bone marrow tests.
2. CT scan uses X rays.
3. MRI uses ionising radiation and strong magnetic fields.
4. Antibodies against cancer-specific antigens can be used for the detection of certain cancers.
Subtopic:  Cancer |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

Given below are two statements : one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A):
Biological response modifiers like alpha interferon can help detection and destruction of tumour cells by the
immune system.
Reason (R): Such biological response modifiers activate the immune system of the patient.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :
1. Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) does not explain (A).
2. Both (A) and (R) are False.
3. Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) correctly explains (A).
4. (A) is True but (R) is False.
Subtopic:  Fungal Infection & Concept of Immunity |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch


Given below are two statements : one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Smoking causes oxygen deficiency in the body.
Reason (R): Smoking increases the concentration of haembound oxygen.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :
1. Both (A) and (R) are False.
2. (A) is True but (R) is False.
3. Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) correctly explains (A).
4. Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) does not explain (A).
Subtopic:  Drugs & Alcohol Abuse |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

Given below are two statements : one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Adolescence is a very vulnerable phase of mental and psychological development of an individual.
Reason (R): The period between 12-18 years of age is considered as adolescence period.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :
1. Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) explains (A).
2. (A) is True but (R) is False.
3. Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) does not correctly explain (A).
4. Both (A) and (R) are False.
Subtopic:  Drugs & Alcohol Abuse |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

Match each item in Column I with one in Column II and select the correct match from the codes given:
Column I Column II
A. Addiction P. An adaptive state associated with a withdrawal syndrome upon cessation of repeated exposure to a stimulus (e.g., drug intake)
B. Dependence Q. A biopsychosocial disorder characterized by persistent use of drugs (including alcohol) despite substantial harm and adverse consequences
C. Tolerance R. The diminishing effect of a drug resulting from repeated administration at a given dose
1. Q R P
2. Q P R
3. P Q R
4. P R Q
Subtopic:  Drugs & Alcohol Abuse |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch


Given below are two statements : one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A):  Effects like euphoria and a temporary feeling of well-being are frequent causes of drug addiction.
Reason (R):  Because of the perceived benefits, drugs are frequently used repeatedly.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
1. Both (A) and (R) are False.
2. (A) is True but (R) is False.
3. Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) correctly explains (A).
4. Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) does not explain (A).
Subtopic:  Drugs & Alcohol Abuse |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch