The actions of adrenaline will include all the following except:
1. Piloerection
2. Pupilary dilation
3. Glycogenesis
4. Positive ionotropic and chronotropic effect on heart

Subtopic:  Adrenal Medulla |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

The hormones of ‘flight or fight’ response:
1. are secreted by the zona glomerulosa of adrenal cortex
2. are commonly called as catecholamines
3. are released slowly over a period of time when required
4. do not act via a second messenger system

Subtopic:  Adrenal Medulla |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

What would be the result of hypoadrenalism [Addison’s disease]?

1. Decreased blood concentrations of cortisol and aldosterone, and increased concentrations of CRH and ACTH

2. Decreased blood concentrations of epinephrine and norepinephrine, and no change in concentrations of CRH and ACTH

3. Decreased blood concentrations of thyroid hormones, and increased concentrations of TRH and TSH

4. Increased blood concentrations of cortisol and aldosterone, and decreased concentrations of CRH and ACTH

Subtopic:  Adrenal Medulla |

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What term/s would describe adrenaline and noradrenaline?

1. neurotransmitter 2. hormone
3. neurotransmitter and hormone 4. steroid hormone
Subtopic:  Adrenal Medulla |

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What would be true for Z1, Z2 and Z3 as shown in the given diagram?
I. Z1 is functionally related to sympathetic neural system.
II. Only the hormones secreted by Z2 are steroids.
III. The hormone secreted by Z3 is an androgen.
IV. The hormone secreted by Z1 mainly affects the carbohydrate, lipid and fat metabolism and is a potent anti-inflammatory agent.
V. All hormones produced by Z1, Z2 and Z3 act through a second messenger on their target cells.
1. Only IV 2. Only IV and V
3. Only III 4. I, II and III
Subtopic:  Adrenal Medulla | Adrenal Cortex: Cortisol |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

The given figure shows the physical indications of the flight or fight response in the human body. What else will be true regarding such a response?
I: It is due to the sudden release of adrenaline and nor-adrenaline in our body.
II: The other effects likely to be seen are bronchodilation, a dilation of blood vessels in skeletal muscle and heart and inhibition of gastrointestinal functions.
1. Only I 2. Only II
3. Both I and II 4. Neither I nor II
Subtopic:  Adrenal Medulla |

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