Which of the following parts of the human brain functions as a gateway to the cerebrum and is a major coordinating center for sensory and motor signaling?

1. Thalamus 2. Hypothalamus
3. Corpora quadrigemina 4. Pons
Subtopic:  Diencephalon |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

The primary commissural region of the brain consisting of white matter tracts that connects the left and right cerebral hemispheres is called as:

1. corpus striatum 2. corpus luteum
3. corpus callosum 4. corpus spongiosum
Subtopic:  Diencephalon |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

Consider the given two statements:
I: The association areas of the cerebral cortex are neither clearly sensory nor motor in function.
II: The association areas are responsible for complex functions like intersensory associations, memory and communication.
1. Both are correct 2. Both are incorrect
3. Only I is correct 4. Only II is correct
Subtopic:  Diencephalon |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.
