With respect to the red muscle fibers [Type I], the white muscle fibers [Type II] are richer in:

1. Blood capillaries 2. Myoglobin
3. Sarcoplasmic reticulum 4. Mitochondria
Subtopic:  Muscle Contraction: Other Considerations |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

All the following regarding red muscle fibers are true except:

1. They are adapted for slow and sustained activity
2. They have a high content of myoglobin
3. They are rich in mitochondria
4. They depend on anaerobic process for energy
Subtopic:  Muscle Contraction: Other Considerations |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

Which of the following leads to removal of masking of active sites for mysosin during muscle contraction?
1. Binding of ATP to its site on myosin head
2. Binding of calcium with a subunit of troponin
3. Binding of acetylcholine to its receptor on sarcolemma
4. Release of acetylcholine by anterior motor neuron
Subtopic:  Muscle Contraction: Other Considerations |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.


Study the events given below. Identify the set given in the choice that has the events in correct chronological order of their occurrence:

a. Ca2+ combines with tropomyosin
b. Ca2+ combines with troponin
c. tropomyosin pulls away from actin
d. troponin pulls away from actin
e. tropomyosin pulls away from myosin
f. troponin pulls away from myosin
g. myosin binds to actin

1. a, d, g 2. b, e, f
3. a, c, g 4. b, c, g
Subtopic:  Muscle Contraction: Other Considerations |

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