The clavicle articulates with:
1. first rib and thoracic vertebra
2. humerus and sternum
3. cervical rib and sternum
4. scapula and sternum

Subtopic:  Appendicular Skeleton |

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A muscle fasciculus is surrounded by:

1. perimysium 2. endomysium
3. epimysium 4. hypomysium
Subtopic:  Skeletal Muscle: Basic Anatomy |

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The extensions of the cell membrane that penetrate into the centre of skeletal and cardiac muscle cells are called as:

1. transverse tubule system 2. sarcoplasmic reticulum
3. myofibrils 4. terminal cisternae
Subtopic:  Skeletal Muscle: Basic Anatomy |

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The majority of the muscle fibers in the skeletal muscles of the leg of a long distance runner is expected to have:
1. adaptation for sudden outburst of activity
2. primarily anaerobic source of energy
3. numerous mitochondria
4. large deposits of glycogen

Subtopic:  Excitation Contraction Coupling I |

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The synovial joint that allows maximum movements is:

1. condyloid 2. gliding
3. saddle 4. ball and socket
Subtopic:  Synovial Joint |

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Even when the blood supply is inadequate, the muscle is able to sustain contraction due to:

1. the presence of hemoglobin 2. glycogen storage
3. myoglobin 4. citric acid cycle
Subtopic:  Energy for Muscle Contraction |

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Immediately after the motor neuron passes an impulse to a muscle fiber:
1. the impulse travels over the sarcolemma in all directions.
2. calcium is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
3. cross bridge forms between the actin and myosin.
4. troponin undergoes a conformational change.

Subtopic:  Skeletal Muscle: Sarcomere |

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Identify the incorrect statement:
1. A muscle fiber contracts in an all-or-none fashion.
2. A slight delay occurs between the reaching of impulse at the neuromuscular junction and muscle contraction.
3. Using more motor units will increase the overall force of contraction.
4. When a person is fully at rest, none of her muscles are contracting.

Subtopic:  Excitation Contraction Coupling I |

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Identify the correct statement regarding the comparison of skeletal and smooth muscle:
1. Nervous stimulation of smooth muscle is always excitatory, whereas nervous stimulation of skeletal muscle may be excitatory or inhibitory.
2. The contractile activity of smooth muscle may be affected by hormones, whereas the contractile activity of the skeletal muscle is not.
3. Both ANS and somatic neural systems innervate smooth muscle, whereas skeletal muscle may be innervated by the somatic motor system only.
4. The calcium-binding protein in smooth muscle is troponin whereas in skeletal muscle, it is tropomyosin.

Subtopic:  Skeletal Muscle: Basic Anatomy |

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The critical event for the contraction of striated muscles would be that calcium ions:

1. are released from troponin C
2. bind to tropomyosin
3. bind to troponin
4. are taken up by the sarcoplasmic reticulum
Subtopic:  Sliding Filament Theory |

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