The number of pairs of vertebrochondral ribs in humans are:

1. 3 2. 2
3. 7 4. 10

Subtopic:  Sternum & Ribs |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

To form the largest ball and socket joint in the human body, the head of the femur articulates with:

1. acetabulum 2. obturator foramen
3. glenoid cavity 4. olecranon fossa
Subtopic:  Synovial Joint |

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Bones do not:
1. provide structural framework and protection
2. provide attachment for the muscles
3. perform hemopoiesis
4. store vitamin D

Subtopic:  Human Skeleton: Introduction, Function, Parts |

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The largest foramen in the human skull is:

1. foramen magnum 2. jugular foramen
3. foramen ovale 4. foramen spinosum
Subtopic:  Axial Skeleton: I |

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The bone not included in neurocranium is:

1. frontal 2. ethmoid
3. sphenoid 4. zygomatic
Subtopic:  Axial Skeleton: I |

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The clavicle articulates with:
1. first rib and thoracic vertebra
2. humerus and sternum
3. cervical rib and sternum
4. scapula and sternum

Subtopic:  Appendicular Skeleton |

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A muscle fasciculus is surrounded by:

1. perimysium 2. endomysium
3. epimysium 4. hypomysium
Subtopic:  Skeletal Muscle: Basic Anatomy |

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The extensions of the cell membrane that penetrate into the centre of skeletal and cardiac muscle cells are called as:

1. transverse tubule system 2. sarcoplasmic reticulum
3. myofibrils 4. terminal cisternae
Subtopic:  Skeletal Muscle: Basic Anatomy |

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The majority of the muscle fibers in the skeletal muscles of the leg of a long distance runner is expected to have:
1. adaptation for sudden outburst of activity
2. primarily anaerobic source of energy
3. numerous mitochondria
4. large deposits of glycogen

Subtopic:  Excitation Contraction Coupling I |

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The synovial joint that allows maximum movements is:

1. condyloid 2. gliding
3. saddle 4. ball and socket
Subtopic:  Synovial Joint |

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