An Rh –ve person, when exposed to Rh +ve blood:

1. will form antibodies against the Rh antigen
2. will be unaffected
3. will form antibodies against the Rh antigen only on second exposure
4. will receive anti Rh antibodies from the donor
Subtopic:  Blood: Blood Group (A,B,O) |

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A person has type A antigen on RBC and anti-B antibodies in plasma. He can receive blood from a person with blood group:

1. A and O 2. AB, A, B and O
3. B and O 4. Only O
Subtopic:  Blood: Blood Group (A,B,O) | Blood: Blood Group |

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To prevent eryhtroblastosis fetalis in future pregnancies:

1. Anti-Rh Immunoglobulins must be given to Rh –ve mothers at the time of each delivery
2. Anti-Rh Immunoglobulins must be given to new born at the time of each delivery
3. Rh Antigens must be given to new born at the time of each delivery
4. Anti Antigens must be given to Rh –ve mothers at the time of each delivery
Subtopic:  Blood: Blood Group (A,B,O) | Blood: Blood Group | Blood: Blood Clotting |

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The most popularly known blood grouping is the ABO grouping. It is named ABO and not ABC, because O in it refers to having

1. No antigens A or B on RBCs.
2. Other antigens besides A and B on RBCs.
3. Overdominance of this type on the genes for A and B types.
4. One antibody only (either anti-A and anti-B) on the RBCs.
Subtopic:  Blood: Blood Group (A,B,O) |

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An Rh +ve female is pregnant with an Rh –ve fetus for the second time. The consequences can be:
1. The fetus can have severe anemia or jaundice
2. The mother can have delayed reactions and may develop jaundice
3. There will be no consequences
4. The fetus will have growth and mental retardation

Subtopic:  Blood: Blood Group (A,B,O) | Blood: Blood Group |

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Which of these statements about the ABO blood group is NOT true?

1.  A person with type O blood can donate blood to individuals with type A, B, AB, or O blood types.
2.  Transfusions should be made considering the plasma of the donor and the erythrocytes of the patient (recipient).
3.  A person with type A blood should not receive a transfusion from someone with type AB blood.
4.  A person with type O blood has both the A and B antigens.
Subtopic:  Blood: Blood Group (A,B,O) |

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Typically, blood type tests are performed through addition of a blood sample to a solution containing antibodies corresponding to each antigen. The presence of an antigen on the surface of the blood cells is indicated by agglutination. Predict the blood groups in results P, Q, R and S:
1. O positive A negative B positive AB negative
2. O positive A negative B negative AB positive
3. O negative A positive B negative AB negative
4. O negative A negative B positive AB positive
Subtopic:  Blood: Blood Group (A,B,O) |

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What is true for the blood Type O?

1. It is universal donor because it has neither anti-A antibodies nor anti-B antibodies circulating in the plasma.
2. It is universal donor because it has neither antigen A nor antigen B on its RBCs.
3. It is universal recipient because it has neither anti-A antibodies nor anti-B antibodies circulating in the plasma.
4. It is universal recipient because it has neither antigen A nor antigen B on its RBCs.
Subtopic:  Blood: Blood Group (A,B,O) |

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