The given graph shows the pulmonary volumes of a healthy man recorded on spirometer.

Which of the following would be correct?
1. D can be exhaled only after maximum expiratory efforts
2. The value of B will be different for inhalation and exhalation
3. The amount of air remaining in lungs after a normal exhalation is C + D
4. Total lung capacity cannot be calculated from this graph as it includes residual volume

Subtopic:  Respiratory System: Pulmonary Volumes & Capacities |

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Lungs are made up of air-filled sacs, the alveoli. They do not collapse even after forceful expiration, because of
1. Residual Volume (RV)
2. Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV)
3. Tidal Volume (TV)
4. Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV)

Subtopic:  Respiratory System: Pulmonary Volumes & Capacities |
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Please attempt this question first.

The pulmonary function of a person reveals the following values:
a. tidal volume = 500 mL
b. residual volume = 1000 mL
c. inspiratory reserve volume = 2500 mL
d. expiratory reserve volume = 1000 mL
His vital capacity is

1. 3000 mL 2. 3500 mL
3. 4000 mL 4. 5000 mL
Subtopic:  Respiratory System: Pulmonary Volumes & Capacities |

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Match the items given Column I with those in Column II and select the correct option given below: 
Column I Column II
a. Tidal volume (i) 2500-3000 mL
b. Inspiratory Reserve (ii) 1100-1200 mL
c. Expiratory Reserve (iii) 500-550 mL
d. Residual volume (iv) 1000-1100 mL
a b c d
1. iii ii i iv
2. iii i iv ii
3. i iv ii iii
4. iv iii ii i
Subtopic:  Respiratory System: Pulmonary Volumes & Capacities |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

Identify the incorrectly matched pair:
1. Tidal volume in a healthy human adult About 500 ml
2. Partial pressure of oxygen in oxygenated blood 159 mm Hg
3. Resting respiratory rate in a healthy adult 12 to 16 per minute
4. Percent of carbon dioxide transported as bicarbonate in the blood 70
Subtopic:  Respiratory System: Pulmonary Ventilation | Respiratory System: Pulmonary Volumes & Capacities | Respiratory System: Exchange of Gases |
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Please attempt this question first.

The maximum amount of air that a person can breathe out after a forced inspiration, under normal physiological conditions, would be about:

1. 1600 ml 2. 2300 ml
3. 4500 ml 4. 5600 ml
Subtopic:  Respiratory System: Pulmonary Volumes & Capacities |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.


Which of the following pulmonary capacities is not correctly matched with its constituent pulmonary volumes?
1. Inspiratory capacity Tidal volume + Inspiratory reserve volume
2. Expiratory capacity Tidal volume + Expiratory reserve volume
3. Functional residual capacity Residual volume + Inspiratory reserve volume
4. Vital capacity Tidal volume + Inspiratory reserve volume + Expiratory reserve volume
Subtopic:  Respiratory System: Pulmonary Volumes & Capacities |
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Please attempt this question first.

A person has the following values of respiratory volumes:
Tidal Volume 400 ml
Expiratory reserve volume 1000 ml
Inspiratory reserve volume 2500 ml
Residual volume 1000 ml

His functional residual capacity and vital capacity respectively are:
1. 2000 ml and 3900 ml 2. 2000 ml and 4900 ml
3. 1400 ml and 3900 ml 4. 1400 ml and 4900 ml
Subtopic:  Respiratory System: Pulmonary Volumes & Capacities |
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