What prevents GER [gastro esophageal reflux]?
1. lower esophageal sphincter
2. sphincter of Oddi
3. esophageal hiatus
4. glottis

Subtopic:  Histology of Gut |

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How does the muscularis layer of stomach differ from that in the other parts of the gut?

1. it has one layer of smooth muscle
2. it has two layers of smooth muscle
3. it has three layers of smooth muscle
4. it has four layers of smooth muscle

Subtopic:  Histology of Gut |

To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.


The layer in the wall of the alimentary canal that exhibits maximum variations is the:
1. Serosa
2. Muscularis
3. Mucosa
4. Submucosa

Subtopic:  Histology of Gut |

To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

