The site of perception of light/dark duration in plants is:
1. Root apex                 
2. Shoot apex
3. Flower                     
4. Leaves

Subtopic:  Photoperiodism (OLD NCERT) |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

One set of a plant was grown at 12 hours a day and 12 hours night period cycles and it flowered while in the other set, night phase was interrupted by a flash of light and it did not produce a flower. Under which one of the following categories will you place this plant?
1. Darkness neutral
2. Day neutral
3. Short day
4. Long day

Subtopic:  Photoperiodism (OLD NCERT) |

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Flowering will take place in a short day plant only when:
1. days are shorter than nights.
2. days are shorter than a certain critical value.
3. nights are shorter than a certain critical value.
4. nights are longer than a certain critical value.

Subtopic:  Photoperiodism (OLD NCERT) |

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Identify the correct statements regarding vernalization:
I: The process, by which exposure to cold renders plants competent to flower is called vernalization.
II:  Even after vernalization, the plant must be subjected to a suitable photoperiod, usually long days.
III:  Like photoperiod, vernalization is also perceived in leaves.
IV:  In most biennial long day plants that form rosettes, gibberellins treatment can substitute for the cold requirement.
1. Only I, II and III 2. Only I, II and IV
3. Only II, III and IV 4. I, II, III and IV
Subtopic:  Photoperiodism (OLD NCERT) | Vernalization (OLD NCERT) |

To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.
