Unlike xylem, the movement of sap in phloem is:
1. essentially unidirectional
2. from a sink to a source
3. independent of movement of water
4. in any direction from source to a sink

Subtopic:  Ascent of Sap |

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During mass flow in phloem, active transport is required:
1. For uploading sap
2. For unloading sap
3. Both for uploading and unloading the sap
4. Active transport is not required

Subtopic:  Ascent of Sap |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

The diagram shows a schematic presentation of the Münch flow hypothesis. Identify the correct statements:
I. Sugars are loaded into the sieve tubes of the phloem at the sugar source (leaf). The osmotic pressure of the sieve tubes is decreased; water is taken up from the surrounding tissue, which results in an increase in turgor pressure at the source.
II. Unloading of sugars from the sieve tubes at the sinks (stem and roots) increases the sieve tube osmotic pressure, water escapes to surrounding tissue, and turgor pressure is reduced.
III. The turgor pressure gradient between the source and the sink is the driving force for phloem transport.
IV. Phloem function is linked to xylem transport as water circulates between the two tissues. Phloem takes up water from the xylem along the whole transport pathway unless sugar unloading is locally very large. The transpiration stream in the leaves can also pass apoplastically along the cell walls without crossing the membrane of cells.
1. I, II and III only
2. I, II and IV only
3. I, III and IV only
4. I, II, III and IV
Subtopic:  Ascent of Sap | Phloem Translocation | Long Distance Transport of Water |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.
