The movement of water through the root layers is ultimately:

1. apoplastic along the walls 2. active transport by porins
3. symplastic in the endodermis 4. symplastic in the xylem
Subtopic:  Water Absorption | Long Distance Transport of Water |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

The greatest contribution of root pressure in water transport in plants most likely is that it:

1. pushes water to the top at night
2. pushes water to the top of the plant when the rate of transpiration is low
3. re-establishes the continuous chain of water molecules in the xylem
4. pushes water into the endodermal cells changing the transport from
apoplast to symplast
Subtopic:  Transpiration Pull: Illustration | Long Distance Transport of Water |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

Refer section 11.3.1, NCERT where it is stated that most of the water flow in the roots occurs via the apoplast. Why is this so?
1. Endodermis has suberized casparian strips
2. Root cortex cell lack plasmodesmata
3. Cortical cells are loosely packed
4. Root cortex is poorly organized

Subtopic:  Transpiration & Guttation | Long Distance Transport of Water |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.


Root pressure is caused by:
1. active distribution of mineral nutrient ions into the root xylem.
2. passive distribution of mineral nutrient ions into the root xylem.
3. a lower water potential in soil than the root cells.
4. transpirational pull.

Subtopic:  Long Distance Transport of Water |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

Mass flow of liquid water from roots to the leaves is primarily driven by:
1. Root pressure
2. Capillary action
3. Water potential differences
4. Active transport

Subtopic:  Long Distance Transport of Water |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

Trace the correct path of water from the soil through the plant to the atmosphere:

1. endodermis- cortex - epidermis - vessel elements - intercellular spaces in mesophyll - stomata.
2. epidermis - cortex - Casparian strip - endodermis - sieve cells - intercellular spaces in the mesophyll - stomata.
3. Casparian strip - root hairs - epidermis - cortex - xylem - endodermis - intercellular spaces in mesophyll - stomata.
4. root hairs - cortex - endodermis - vessel elements - intercellular spaces in mesophyll - stomata.
Subtopic:  Long Distance Transport of Water |

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Translocation in xylem will not be facilitated by:
1. The cohesion of water molecules.
2. A negative water potential.
3. The root parenchyma.
4. The active transport of solutes.

Subtopic:  Long Distance Transport of Water |

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It is a common observation that pine seedlings grown in sterile potting soil grow much slower than seedlings grown in soil from the area where the seeds were collected. The most probable cause for this would be:

1.  damage to root hairs during the sterilization process.
2. the absence of mycorrhizae in the sterilized soil.
3. lack of essential minerals in a sterilized soil.
4. non functioning of protein pumps in the sterilized soil.
Subtopic:  Long Distance Transport of Water |

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The control points where a plant adjusts the quality and types of solutes that reach the xylem are:

1. Transport proteins of endodermal cells 2. Root hair
3. Parenchyma cells of the root cortex 4. Casparian strips
Subtopic:  Stomata: 1 | Plant Water Relations: Reverse Osmosis & Water potential: 1 | Long Distance Transport of Water |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.


Advantages of tracheids over vessels for long-distance transport to great heights include:
I. Adhesive forces are proportionally greater in narrower cylinders than in wider cylinders.
II. The smaller the diameter of the xylem, the more likely cavitation will occur.
III. Cohesive forces are greater in narrow tubes than in wide tubes of the same height.
1. Only I and II
2. Only I and III
3. Only II and III
4. I, II and III

Subtopic:  Long Distance Transport of Water |

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