Which one of the following elements in plants is not remobilised?

1. Calcium 2. Potassium
3. Sulphur 4. Phosphorus

Subtopic:  Photosynthesis Transpiration Compromise & Mineral Translocation |
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Please attempt this question first.

The rupture and fractionation do not usually occur in the water column in vessel/tracheids during the ascent of sap because of
1. lignified thick walls
2. cohesion and adhesion
3. weak gravitational pull
4. transpiration pull

Subtopic:  Ascent of Sap | Transpiration & Guttation |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

In plants, water moves from
1. less negative to more negative potential
2. more negative to less negative potential
3. a point to another point with the same potential
4. none of the above

Subtopic:  Osmosis |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.


The translocation of organic solutes in sieve tube members is supported by
1. Root pressure and transpiration pull
2. P-proteins
3. Mass flow involving a carrier and ATP
4. Cytoplasmic streaming

Subtopic:  Phloem Translocation: Short Distance Transport | Phloem Translocation |

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Water vapor comes out from the plant leaf through the stomatal opening. Through the same stomatal opening, carbon dioxide diffuses into the plant during photosynthesis. Reason out the above statements using one of the following options
1. Both processes cannot happen simultaneously
2. Both processes can happen together because the diffusion coefficient of water and CO2 is different
3. The above processes happen only during night time
4. One process occurs during day time and the other at night

Subtopic:  Transpiration & Guttation |

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Assertion: Increased turgor in guard cells opens stomata.
Reason: Rings of cellulose microfibrils prevent the width of the guard cells from swelling, and only allow the extra turgor pressure to elongate the guard cells.

1. Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
2. Both assertion and reason are true but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
3. Assertion is true but reason is false.
4. Both assertion and reason are false.

  1. If both the assertion and the reason are true and the reason is a correct explanation of the assertion
  2. If both the assertion and reason are true but the reason is not a correct explanation of the assertion
  3. If the assertion is true but the reason is false
  4. If both the assertion and reason are false
Subtopic:  Stomata |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.


This is an intext question, section 11.2.3, NCERT. What occupies the space between the cell wall and the shrunken protoplast in a plasmolyzed cell
1. Hypertonic solution
2. Hypotonic solution
3. Air
4. Nothing, a vacuum is created

Subtopic:  Diffusion |

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Electron transport chain in mitochondria uses the reduction energy of NADH to move protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane against their concentration gradient. This is an example of:
1. Facilitated diffusion
2. Forward osmosis
3. Primary active transport
4. Secondary active transport

Subtopic:  Means of Transport: Active |

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Consider the following two statements:
I. The evolution of C4  photosynthesis is probably one of the strategies for maximizing the availability of CO2 while minimizing water loss.
II. Plants with C4 photosynthesis close their stomata during day and open them in night.
1. Both I and II are correct
2. I is correct and II is incorrect
3. I is incorrect and II is correct
4. Both I and II are incorrect

Subtopic:  Photosynthesis Transpiration Compromise & Mineral Translocation |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.


Which of the following will always be a “sink” in a plant?

1. Roots 2. Fruits
3. Tubers or bulbs 4. Leaves
Subtopic:  Phloem Translocation |

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