The solid linear cytoskeletal elements having a diameter of 6 nm and made up of a single type of monomer are known as :
1. Microtubules
2. Microfilaments
3. Intermediate filaments
4. Lamins

Subtopic:  Cytoskeleton |

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Consider the given two statements:
I. Only eukaryotes have cytoskeleton components.
II. The cell wall is the only deciding factor for many bacterial cell shapes.

1. Both I and II are correct and II explains I
2. Both I and are correct but II does not explain I
3. I is correct and II is incorrect
4. Both I and II are incorrect

Subtopic:  Cytoskeleton |

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Cytoskeleton elements involved in intracellular transport, the formation of the axoneme of cilia and flagella and the mitotic spindle, are:
1. Microfilaments
2. Intermediate filaments
3. Microtubules
4. FTS-Z

Subtopic:  Cytoskeleton |

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Cytoskeleton elements involved in muscle contraction, cytokinesis and cytoplasmic streaming are:
1. Microfilaments
2. Intermediate filaments
3. Microtubules
4. FTS-Z

Subtopic:  Cytoskeleton |

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