Which of the following organelles in a eukaryotic cell can only be seen after staining with vital dye?

1. Mitochondria 2. Chloroplasts
3. Nucleus 4. Endoplasmic reticulum
Subtopic:  Mitochondria |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

All the following are located in the mitochondrial matrix except:

1. Single circular DNA molecule
2. Proteins of electron transport chain
3. 70 S ribosomes
4. Enzymes of Kreb’s cycle

Subtopic:  Mitochondria |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

Identify the correct match for the structures shown in the diagram of a mitochondrion:
A  Inner membrane  Site of location of electron transport chain 
B  Outer membrane  Forms the continuous limiting boundary of the organelle 
C  Cristae Increase the surface area 
D  Matrix Site for Kreb’s cycle
1. Only A, B, and C
2. Only A, B, and D
3. Only B, C, and D
4. A, B, C, and D
Subtopic:  Mitochondria |

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Scientists think that mitochondria may have once been separate living organisms for all of the following reasons except that they
1. have cilia and flagella
2. have their own DNA
3. can reproduce
4. can produce their own proteins

Subtopic:  Mitochondria |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

Identify the incorrect statement regarding mitochondria:
1. The number of mitochondria per cell is same in all the cells of human body.
2. The inner membrane forms a number of infoldings called the cristae towards the matrix.
3. They divide by binary fission.
4. They are called as ‘power houses’ of the cell.
Subtopic:  Mitochondria |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.