Consider the given statements:
Statement I: Anton von Leeuwenhoek first saw and described a live cell and Robert Brown discovered nucleus.
Statement II: The invention of electron microscope revealed all the structural details of the cell.
1. Statement I is correct and Statement II is incorrect
2. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct but Statement II does not explain Statement I
3. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct and Statement II correctly explains Statement I
4. Only Statement II is correct
Subtopic:  Cell Theory |

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Who concluded, based on his studies on plant tissues, that the presence of cell wall is a unique character of plant cells?

1. Matthias Shcleiden 2. Theodore Schwann
3. J. B. S. Haldane 4. Rudolph Virchow
Subtopic:  Cell Theory |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.