The genomic DNA of a bacterial cell is:

1. circular and located on a single chromosome
2. circular and located on multiple chromosomes
3. linear and located on a single chromosome
4. linear and located on multiple chromosomes

Subtopic:  Introduction to Cell |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

In a comparison of a typical bacterial cell and a typical human cell, which of the following would be higher for a bacterial cell?

1. Diameter 2. Surface area
3. Volume 4. Surface area to volume ratio
Subtopic:  Introduction to Cell |

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Identify the incorrectly matched pair:
1. Linus Pauling Discovered the triple helix structure of collagen
2. Rudolf Virchow Omnis cellula-e-cellula
3. Singer and Nicholson Fluid mosaic model
4. Georges Palade First observed ribosome
Subtopic:  Introduction to Botany | Introduction to Cell |
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Please attempt this question first.
